:author: Gratien Dhaese [email protected]
The Relax-and-Recover (ReaR) workshop is guiding you into setting up rear, how to configure it, and with lots of real use cases, such as with Bareos, NFS, CIFS, RSYNC.
This document was only tested for the KVM and VirtualBox hypervisors, but it should work fine with other hypervisors.
I would really appreciate that you test your hypervisor of choice and contribute instructions back (at https://github.com/rear/rear-workshop/pulls).
A few words before going to the prerequisites - we use vagrant as digital assitant to setup up our virtual images (VMs) to play with rear. Why? Because, in order to speed up the workshop around rear we do install lots of software automatically in the client and server VMs.
Why use Vagrant to play with rear? Vagrant is a widely used amongst developers to create virtualized environments which can be used to setup test labs, to play around without the need to install from scratch a VM, and to screw it up completey without any impact on your host computer itself. Afterwards, the VMs can be deleted and/or rebuild. All of this is possible by a single command: vagrant
To give an example, when you have setup the client and server VMs by running vagrant up the server VM contains a working Bareos backup environment, and the client VM can simple make a full backup towards the server VM without any additional steps or commands to execute. This is done in order to avoid any installation or configuration issues with Bareos. Especially, the workshop is around the usage of rear and not Bareos. We need to concentrate on the possibilities that rear offers. To avoid distractions of minor (or major) system administration tasks this is all done automatically via vagrant and its provisioning capabilities (via scripting). This might become food for another talk - how the hell did we achieve this?
Before we can start with the content of the workshop you need several things:
- Host system can be Linux, Mac, Windows
- A hypervisor like KVM, Oracle VirtualBox, VMware Player or VMware Fusion, Parallels Desktop
- Install vagrant from your distribution or when not present from https://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html
- KVM with libvirt needs the vagrant-libvirt plugin: vagrant plugin install vagrant-libvirt
- Install git to download the workshop: git clone https://github.com/rear/rear-workshop.git or git clone [email protected]:rear/rear-workshop.git
- Sufficient free disk space for 3 VMs (about 3G per virtual machine should do)
- Optional, vncviewer to approach the recover VM
It is important to do these steps before going to the workshop so we do not waste time downloading the centos7 image. Furthermore, during the first time start up of vagrant with the centos7 vagrantfile all dependencies will be downloaded so that the client and server system are ready for the workshop. This takes quite some time (20 minutes or more).
At this point we assume you have a hypervisor and vagrant already installed. Also, the +git+ command is avaliable. Start with downloading the workshop:
$ git clone https://github.com/rear/rear-workshop.git Cloning into 'rear-workshop'... remote: Counting objects: 160, done. remote: Total 160 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 160 Receiving objects: 100% (160/160), 40.76 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (89/89), done. Checking connectivity... done.
Then, browse into:
$ cd rear-workshop/centos7/ $ ls nodeconfig-centos7.sh provision-centos7.sh Vagrantfile Vagrantfile.libvirt.recover Vagrantfile.virtualbox.recover
And, let do vagrant its job:
$ vagrant up Bringing machine 'client' up with 'virtualbox' provider... Bringing machine 'server' up with 'virtualbox' provider... ==> client: Box 'centos/7' could not be found. Attempting to find and install... client: Box Provider: virtualbox client: Box Version: >= 0 ==> client: Loading metadata for box 'centos/7' client: URL: https://atlas.hashicorp.com/centos/7 ==> client: Adding box 'centos/7' (v1607.01) for provider: virtualbox client: Downloading: https://atlas.hashicorp.com/centos/boxes/7/versions/1607.01/providers/virtualbox.box client: Progress: 1% (Rate: 606k/s, Estimated time remaining: 0:14:57) ==> client: Successfully added box 'centos/7' (v1607.01) for 'virtualbox'! ==> client: Importing base box 'centos/7'... ==> client: Matching MAC address for NAT networking... ==> client: Checking if box 'centos/7' is up to date... ==> client: Setting the name of the VM: centos7_client_1470826828474_34068 ==> client: Clearing any previously set network interfaces... ==> client: Preparing network interfaces based on configuration... client: Adapter 1: nat client: Adapter 2: hostonly ==> client: Forwarding ports... client: 22 (guest) => 2222 (host) (adapter 1) ==> client: Booting VM... ==> client: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes... client: SSH address: client: SSH username: vagrant client: SSH auth method: private key and so on....you will see lots of lines flying by (also for the server vm) ==> server: Complete! ==> server: Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/smb.service to /usr/lib/systemd/system/smb.service. ==> server: Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/nmb.service to /usr/lib/systemd/system/nmb.service. ==> server: Added user vagrant.
There are several possibilities to login onto these fresh created VMs:
- vagrant ssh {client|server}
- ssh [email protected] (password vagrant and this is the client)
- ssh [email protected] (password vagrant and this is the server)
- vncviewer (for the client interface)
- vncviewer (for the server interface)
- vncviewer (for the recover interface)
- Or, via the VM console of your hypervisor
The passwords for the vagrant and root user are the same: vagrant
As vagrant user you can easily become root via sudo su (the rules are pre-configured).
Now, you are ready to attend the workshop without losing time to set it up from scratch. The lab exercises are not yet uploaded as otherwise nobody would attend the workshop - makes sense, no?
Is quite simple: vagrant halt (see also vagrant -h for more options)
When you are done with the labs you can simply destroy all the VMs by vagrant destroy
And, the vagrant box can be removed as vagrant box remove centos/7
Oops, please open a new issue at https://github.com/rear/rear-workshop/issues
When you get to see an error like the following:
=> client: Rsyncing folder: /home/grati/rear-workshop/centos7/ => /vagrant There was an error when attempting to rsync a synced folder. Please inspect the error message below for more info. Host path: /home/grati/rear-workshop/centos7/ Guest path: /vagrant Command: rsync --verbose --archive --delete -z --copy-links --chmod=ugo=rwX --no-perms --no-owner --no-group --rsync-path sudo rsync -e ssh -p 2222 -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPath=C:/cygwin64/tmp/ssh.977 -o ControlPersist=10m -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o IdentitiesOnly=true -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -i 'C:/cygwin64/home/grati/rear-workshop/insecure_keys/vagrant.private' --exclude .vagrant/ /home/grati/rear-workshop/centos7/ [email protected]:/vagrant Error: Warning: Permanently added '[]:2222' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts. mm_receive_fd: no message header process_mux_new_session: failed to receive fd 0 from slave mux_client_request_session: read from master failed: Connection reset by peer Failed to connect to new control master rsync: connection unexpectedly closed (0 bytes received so far) [sender] rsync error: error in rsync protocol data stream (code 12) at io.c(226) [sender=3.1.2]
Then go check and follow the advise mentioned in issue hashicorp/vagrant#6702 and restart as vagrant up --provision
If you need to contact me for setting a workshop on your premises then see the possibilities at http://it3.be/rear-support/index.html
Be aware, this workshop uses centos/7 as GNU/Linux Operating system. If you want to have it for another version or type of GNU/Linux then you have to pay for it (consultancy fee - see above link).
Last updated: 30 December 2016