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Reactive Data Client

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Define your async methods. Use them synchronously in React. Instantly mutate the data and automatically update all usages.

For REST, GraphQL, Websockets+SSE and more

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npm install --save @data-client/react @data-client/rest @data-client/test

For more details, see the Installation docs page.


class User extends Entity {
  id = '';
  username = '';

  pk() {

class Article extends Entity {
  id = '';
  title = '';
  body = '';
  author = User.fromJS();
  createdAt = Temporal.Instant.fromEpochSeconds(0);

  pk() {

  static schema = {
    author: User,
    createdAt: Temporal.Instant.from,
const UserResource = createResource({
  path: '/users/:id',
  schema: User,
  optimistic: true,

const ArticleResource = createResource({
  path: '/articles/:id',
  schema: Article,
  searchParams: {} as { author?: string },
  optimistic: true,
  paginationField: 'cursor',

One line data binding

const article = useSuspense(ArticleResource.get, { id });
return (
      {article.title} by {}
const ctrl = useController();
return (
    onSubmit={data => ctrl.fetch(UserResource.getList.push, { id }, data)}
    onSubmit={data => ctrl.fetch(UserResource.update, { id }, data)}
  <button onClick={() => ctrl.fetch(UserResource.delete, { id })}>Delete</button>
const price = useLive(PriceResource.get, { symbol });
return price.value;
const ctrl = useController();
ctrl.invalidate(ArticleResource.get, { id });
ctrl.setResponse(ArticleResource.get, { id }, articleData);
ctrl.fetch(ArticleResource.get, { id });
const queryTotalVotes = new schema.Query(
  new schema.All(Post),
  (posts, { userId } = {}) => {
    if (userId !== undefined)
      posts = posts.filter(post => post.userId === userId);
    return posts.reduce((total, post) => total + post.votes, 0);

const totalVotes = useQuery(queryTotalVotes);
const totalVotesForUser = useQuery(queryTotalVotes, { userId });
class LoggingManager implements Manager {
  getMiddleware = (): Middleware => controller => next => async action => {
    console.log('before', action, controller.getState());
    await next(action);
    console.log('after', action, controller.getState());

  cleanup() {}
const fixtures = [
    endpoint: ArticleResource.getList,
    args: [{ maxResults: 10 }] as const,
    response: [
        id: '5',
        title: 'first post',
        body: 'have a merry christmas',
        author: { id: '10', username: 'bob' },
        createdAt: new Date(0).toISOString(),
        id: '532',
        title: 'second post',
        body: 'never again',
        author: { id: '10', username: 'bob' },
        createdAt: new Date(0).toISOString(),
    endpoint: ArticleResource.update,
    response: ({ id }, body) => ({

const Story = () => (
  <MockResolver fixtures={options[result]}>
    <ArticleList maxResults={10} />

...all typed ...and consistent

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  • Todo: GitHub | Sandbox
  • Github: GitHub | Sandbox
  • NextJS: GitHub | Sandbox


Reactive Applications