Allwinner: # NanoPi NEO Plus2 & Tritium
Amlogic: # Le Potato, Odroid C4/N2/N2+ & Radxa Zero
Broadcom: # Raspberry Pi 4B
Rockchip: # NanoPC-T4, Renegade & ROCKPro64
- Recommended host: Debian Bullseye
Install options:
- Run the
script (recommended) - Run builder make commands (dependency: make)
- Review package list and install manually
make ccompile # Cross compile
make ncompile # Native compile
make config # Create user data file
make menu # Open menu interface
make dialogrc # Set builder theme (optional)
- Review the userdata.txt file for further options: locales, timezone and nameserver(s)
Name: # Whats your name?
Username: # Your username
Password: # Your password
Branding: # Set ASCII text banner
Hostname: # Set system hostname
Distro: # Supported: debian, devuan and ubuntu
Release: # Debian: bullseye, bookwork, testing, unstable and sid
# Devuan: chimaera, daedalus, testing, unstable and ceres
# Ubuntu: focal, impish and jammy
U-Boot and Linux
U-Boot: # Supported: v2022.01
Branch: # Supported: 5.15
Build: # Kernel build version number
RC: # 1 for any x.y-rc
Menuconfig: # 1 to run uboot and kernel menuconfig
Compiler: # Defaults at gcc-10
Crosscompile: # 1 to cross compile | 0 to native compile
Caching on: # 1 to enable ccache
Extra wireless support
rtl88XXau: # 1 to add Realtek 8812AU/21AU wireless support
rtl88XXbu: # 1 to add Realtek 88X2BU wireless support
rtl88XXcu: # 1 to add Realtek 8811CU/21CU wireless support
rtl8188eu: # 1 to add Realtek 8188EU wireless support
Customize (user defconfig)
Defconfig: # 1 to enable
Name: # Name of _defconfig (Must be placed in defconfig dir.)
# config placement: defconfig/$NAME_defconfig
The config menu will append _defconfig to the end of the name in the
userdata.txt file.
Patches "-p1" placed in patches/userpatches are applied during compilation.
# change from 0 to 1
# change from 1 to 0
compress_img.xz=1 # compresses to img.xz
# change from 0 to 1
make cleanup # Clean up image errors
make purge # Remove sources directory
make purge-all # Remove sources and output directory
You need to erase Android from; or flash mainline u-boot to; the eMMC before booting from SD.
I found using fastboot to be the quickest and easiest method when using Linux.
Put the device in maskrom mode and run lsusb
to verify.
Bus 001 Device 048: ID 1b8e:c003 Amlogic, Inc. GX-CHIP
Run the following to flash mainline u-boot. When done. power down board, insert SD and power on.
sudo apt update; sudo apt install -y python3-pip fastboot
sudo pip3 install pyamlboot --upgrade
wget -cq
wget -cq rz-fastboot-loader.bin
sudo fastboot flash 0x200 rz-u-boot.bin
sudo fastboot reboot
- Radxa Zero: Rev. 1.5 LED Overlay
fdtoverlays /boot/amlogic/overlays/meson-g12a-gpio-10-led.dtbo
- Amlogic: G12A/B SM1 Audio
sudo amixer sset 'FRDDR_A SINK 1 SEL' 'OUT 1'
sudo amixer sset 'FRDDR_A SRC 1 EN' 'on'
sudo amixer sset 'TDMOUT_B SRC SEL' 'IN 0'
sudo amixer sset 'TOHDMITX I2S SRC' 'I2S B'
sudo amixer sset 'TOHDMITX' 'on'
sudo amixer sset 'FRDDR_B SINK 1 SEL' 'OUT 2'
sudo amixer sset 'FRDDR_B SRC 1 EN' 'on'
sudo amixer sset 'FRDDR_C SINK 1 SEL' 'OUT 3'
sudo amixer sset 'FRDDR_C SRC 1 EN' 'on'
sudo alsactl store
Rename file to credentials.txt and input your wifi information.
SSID=" " # Service set identifier
PASSKEY=" " # Wifi password
COUNTRYCODE=" " # Your country code
# set static ip
MANUAL=n # Set to y to enable a static ip
IPADDR=" " # Static ip address
NETMASK=" " # Your Netmask
GATEWAY=" " # Your Gateway
NAMESERVERS=" " # Your preferred dns
For headless use: ssh user@ipaddress
You can also mount the ROOTFS partition and edit the following
files, whilst leaving rename_to_credentials.txt untouched.
Supported: Le Potato, NanoPi NEO Plus2, NanoPC-T4, Odroid C4/N2/N2+, Radxa Zero & Renegade
1. Attach eMMC module # In some cases the module may need to be attached after boot
2. Boot from sdcard
3. Execute: sudo write2mmc
Raspberry Pi 4B EEPROM Helper Script
Usage: deb-eeprom -h
-U Upgrade eeprom package
-w Transfer to USB # Supported: EXT4, BTRFS and F2FS
-u Update script
Upon install please run 'deb-eeprom -u' before using this script.
swh -h
-s Scan for SSID's
-u Bring up interface
-d Bring down interface
-r Restart interface
-W Edit wpa supplicant
-I Edit interfaces
governor -h
-c Conservative
-o Ondemand
-p Performance
-s Schedutil
-r Run
-u Update
A systemd service runs 'governor -r' during boot.
- NanoPC-T4, Odroid N2/+, Radxa Zero & ROCKPro64
If you decide to overclock the board, make sure you are using passive or active cooling.
echo "overclock=1" | sudo tee /etc/opt/overclock.txt
sudo service tweaks restart
Install script and service
sudo wget -P /usr/local/bin
sudo chmod +x $(command -v fan-ctrl)
Debian / Ubuntu
sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/odroid-fan-ctrl.service <<EOF
Description=Odroid Fan Control
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/fan-ctrl -r &>/dev/null
sudo systemctl enable odroid-fan-ctrl
sudo wget -cq -P /etc/init.d -O /etc/init.d/fan-ctrl
sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/fan-ctrl
sudo update-rc.d fan-ctrl defaults 2
Set trip point
Odroid N2 Trip Point
Usage: fan-ctrl -h
-1 65°C
-2 55°C
-3 45°C
-4 35°C
-r Run
-u Update
A service runs 'fan-ctrl -r' during boot.
Should you come across any bugs, feel free to either open an issue on GitHub or talk with us directly by joining our channel on Libera; #arm-img-builder
or Discord