A demonstration of how to replace gwtp-crawler with gwt-pushstate
This project uses a simple pattern that will speed up your gwtp app, improve SEO and make it more accessable.
Live site: http://4.pushstateslash.appspot.com
This is a website that displays chapters of alice in wonderland.
It has a single RouteTokenPlace: /alice/{chapterNumber}
Here's what happens when you visit /alice/3
The server translates the place request and sees that the user wants chapter 3.
It then calls the FetchChapterHandler and stores the result in a javascript map
(Check the pages html source to see this.) -
Then it takes the result of FetchChapterHandler and uses it to create a very simple html version of the chapter which it includes in the html source noscript tag.
The HomePagePresenter is called as normal and also sees that the user wants chapter 3.
It asks the dispatcher for chapter 3 and the dispatcher seeing that the result is in the javascript PREFETCH_DISPATCH map returns it immediately.
The HomePage presenter displays the chapter as well as a next and previous button.
If you click next or previous the page won't reload but instead the new chapter will be fetched from the server and displayed.
This pattern makes your site display faster because the dispatcher doesn't have to contact the server for the first call.
Your page has content for non-javascript agents, so you've improved SEO and accessability.
Plus because the noScript content is very similar to the PREFETCH_DISPATCH content gzip will make the noScript content virtually costless.