SimpleDB integration for Flask.
- Author: Randall Degges
- Email: [email protected]
- Site:
- Status: maintained, active
I love using Amazon's SimpleDB database -- it's drop-dead simple, fun to use, and makes storing data incredibly enjoyable.
SimpleDB is a NoSQL database, 100% hosted by Amazon, which allows you to store any variable JSON data. All fields are indexed automatically, so no table schema is necessary -- and the best part is that you can query records via SQL.
It's great for storing log data, crawler data, and essentially any information where you might do a lot of writes, but not necessarily need extremely fast reads.
I've been using it for for quite a while now, and can't recommend it enough.
The only problem I had using SimpleDB with Flask is lack of an official extension -- so I created one!
This extension makes working with SimpleDB in Flask projects simple and painless -- and doesn't get in your way at all (no need to compromise!).
All project documentation is hosted at ReadTheDocs: