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How to baseline your database

Rodel E. Dagumampan edited this page Jan 2, 2020 · 23 revisions

There are two industry approach to versioning your relational database. These are Database-first and Code-first. Arguments on both are valid and we have great literature online on this debate.

Yuniql is a database-first migration engine. This is article is based on an assumption that you have preference on Database-first strategy.

Baselining strategies in database-first development

Versioning your database begins with a Baseline. A Baseline version, is the v0.00 of your database schema and master data. A baseline version helps create full visibility of your schema evolution. We identified two approaches to baselining databases:

  1. Visual model-first (new database projects)
  2. Sql script-first (new database projects)
  3. Sql script-dump from existing databases

Strategy 1: Visual model-first

Typically, we don't start our databases by hand-writing SQL scripts. Instead, we use advanced visual modelling tools such as SSMS Table Designer, SSDT, IDERA, Sparx EA and similar tools to create Entity-Relationship Diagrams (ERD). Especially for larger DW and RDBMS projects, the scripts comes last as a result of good-enough ERD model. The scripts are then generated from the tool and this would make a sufficient starting point for baselining the db schema.

In this approach, you can generate all scripts from tool and place all scripts and directories inside v0.00. yuniql will discover and execute scripts in all directories and subdirectories.

yuniql init
cd v0.00
dir /O:N

10/21/2019  22:41    <DIR>          tables
10/21/2019  22:41    <DIR>          functions
10/21/2019  22:41    <DIR>          stored-procedures
10/21/2019  22:41    <DIR>          views

Strategy 2: SqlScript-first

For smaller databases especially those attached to microservices, the model is relatively small and tables can be scripted on the go. Its simple and you can manually place all your scripts in order in v0.00. Scripts are executed in order by file name.

yuniql init
cd v0.00
dir /O:N

10/21/2019  22:41                   01-setup-tables.sql
10/21/2019  22:41                   02-setup-stored-procedures.sql
10/21/2019  22:41                   03-initialize-tables.sql

Strategy 3: Sql Script Dump

For majority of use case, the database is already existing and running in Production. You can baseline your database by extracting and generating a baseline schema, supporting scripts and master data to produce a local database that is as-close as possible to Production but without the transaction data.

You can generate scripts from existing SQL Server databases using SSMS Export Scripts. Other database platforms management tools may have similar capability.

Baselining with YuniqlX

yuniqlx baseline is an experimental feature where we automate the script-generation of primary database objects and place results in v0.00 of your migration project. A command flow would look like this:

  1. Download latest yuniqlx build here

  2. Setup your local workspace

    yuniql init
  3. Baseline your db

    yuniqlx baseline -c <your-source-database-connection-string> -p <your-v0.00-directory-path>
  4. Run your migration

    yuniql run -c <your-source-database-connection-string> -a

NOTE: yuniqlx is an experimental feature and released as separate package. Because it's not everyday that we do baseline plus its heavy references to Sql Server SMO, I don't want to make this part of every release.

Use your preferred way

The are certainly other ways to baseline your database. As long as they they can be validated in your target database, it can be organized in v0.00 of your yuniql project and they will be discovered and executed.

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