Extend your tailwind config with CSS Custom Properties and trigger the updating of them with any type of selector or media query.
- Tailwind 1.2
Just needs to support CSS Custom Properties. IE11 can kind of work but only the base theme with something like postcss-preset-env
yarn add crswll/tailwindcss-theme-swapper
# or
npm install crswll/tailwindcss-theme-swapper --save-dev
In your tailwind.config.js:
const themeSwapper = require('tailwindcss-theme-swapper')
module.exports = {
plugins: [
themes: [
// The only required theme is `base`. Every property used in
// other themes must exist in here.
name: 'base',
selectors: [':root'],
theme: {
colors: {
primary: '#f00',
name: 'dark',
selectors: ['.dark'],
mediaQuery: '@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark)',
theme: {
colors: {
primary: '#fff',
name: 'matrix',
selectors: ['.matrix'],
theme: {
colors: {
primary: '#0f0',
// The name of the theme. You only have to name `base`.
name: 'dark',
// Apply one of these selectors(?) to an element and all of its children to use that theme.
// `<div class="dark">`, `<div dat-theme="dark">`, `<div dark>`
selectors: ['.dark', '[data-theme="dark"]', '[dark]', ],
// If this media query matches the theme will apply to the entire page.
mediaQuery: '@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark)',
// This extends your tailwind theme.
// Only keys/values defined here will be made into custom properties.
theme: {
colors: {
// ...
spacing: {
// ...
borderRadius: {
// ...
const themes = [
name: 'base',
selectors: [':root'],
theme: {
colors: {
text: '#222',
name: 'dark',
selectors: [
mediaQuery: '@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark)',
theme: {
colors: {
base: '#ddd',
name: 'high-contrast',
mediaQuery: '@media (prefers-contrast: high)',
theme: {
colors: {
base: '#ddd',
:root {
--base: #222
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
:root {
--base: #ddd
.dark, [dark], [data-theme="dark"] {
:root {
--base: #ddd
@media (prefers-contrast: high) {
:root {
--base: #fff
.text-base { color: var(--base, #222) }
.bg-base { background-color: var(--base, #222) }
.border-base { border-color: var(--base, #222)}