Releases: rbulygin/QtXlsxWriter
Releases · rbulygin/QtXlsxWriter
Chart options
Release adds a number of options for charts and fixes scattered warnings and code issues
- Preserve headerFooter elements
- Added axis names
- Added axis tick labels position
- [XLSX-1] mistyped Chart::setChartTytle renamed to setChatTitle
- Fix boolean values parsing
Merge with Alexander-r/master
This release is result of merging with Alexander-r/master branch and adds following features:
- Added ChartLine class to handle chart line's properties: a name (for legend), a wideness, a colour, a marker
- Added Marker class to handle chart marker's properties: a symbol (like star, cross, circle etc..) and size
- Add Chart::setChartTitle() method to set chart's title
- Add number of Chart class methods to control chart's axis and grid lines (setAxisMaxScope, setAxisMinScope, setAxisMaxAuto, setAxisMinAuto, enableAxisMajorGridLines, enableAxisMinorGridLines)
- Add Chart::setShowLegend() method to define chart's legend position
Cell formats
- Add a number of Format::custom helpers to produce useful formats.
- Add Formula class to create and control cell formulas
Printing support
- Add printOptions, pageSetup, pageMargins
- Defined names
- Panes splitting
- Fix bugs, etc...
Actually there is a lot of weakly described code and is a lack of test cases too. So all this on your own risk...
Initial release
Release was tagged with next minor version after previous known from branch VSRonin/QtXlsxWriter