Convenience debug logging macros for C++ projects.
Based on the OutputDebugStringA that sends a string to the debugger for display, which then shows up in the Visual Studio Output window.
#include "OutputDebug.h"
int main()
Info("GameObject.Id %d", 42);
This flag is present by default in Visual Studio C/C++ projects in Debug configuration and not present in Release, so nothing has to be configured.
Just in case, it is set at Project Properties
> Configuration Properties
> C/C++
> Preprocessor
> Preprocessor Definitions
When disabled, calls are replaced with a noop version of the logging function.
For a C++ project on Visual Studio, one can avoid launching the separate Command prompt and keeping all log in the Visual Studio Output window with the following Project Properties:
#pragma comment(linker, "/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS /ENTRY:mainCRTStartup")