An experimental launchpad-like app built in Flutter that allows users to play music by pressing buttons. The user may also record a speech that can be converted to midi notes.
Currently the application only runs on Android due to minor differences with ios and android in the packages used.
To run on android, attach android device and run:
flutter run --release
Enable microphone access in the app permissions
Make sure packages are installed and microphone usage is enabled on device for speech recognition.
Press any and hold any of the pre-loaded tunes to play thier sound(playing them in a certain order may yeild a familiar tune). Press the mic button to record a speech, once recording is finished a sample of the tune will be played back and press any key to save the tune to.
Using speech recognition, a sentence gets transcribed. Then each word is converted to a number by summing up its letters with a => 1, b => 2... z => 26, then the word is mapped to a sound from 0 - 34 (low -> high), every other set of 34 numbers is made into a longer note.
Flutter => 6 + 12 + 21 + 20 + 20 + 5 + 18 = 102 / 34 => 3 rem 0, meaning it will be the lowest note (rem 0) and held longer (odd offset)
- Add Microphone permission check for Android
- Add IOS support
- Add functionality to go backwords from tune to words
- Implement an alternative simpler solution to finding notes with words
Spanish classical guitar sound samples by [email protected] is licensed under CC0 1.0