Wonder Llama is a Zulip API client for Ruby. It's simple to use, depends only on Ruby's standard library, and is well-tested.
It's called Wonder Llama because LevelUp's Zulip bot, for which this library was built, is named Ralph.
You'll need a Zulip API key.
require 'wonder_llama'
client = WonderLlama::Client.new(host: 'example.zulipchat.com',
email: '[email protected]', api_key: 's3cr3t')
client.send_message(type: 'stream', to: 'social', topic: 'greetings',
content: 'hello world!')
client.send_message(type: 'private', to: '[email protected]',
content: 'thanks for the accidental deployment :robot:')
client.stream_events do |event|
if event.is_a?(WonderLlama::MessageEvent)
message = event.message
puts message.content
client.users.each do |user|
puts "#{user.id}: #{user.full_name} (#{user.email})"
Check out the examples
directory for more.
Contributions are welcome!
To run the tests, install the development dependencies and use bin/rspec
bundle install