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HTML Components built using TailwindCSS and Parcel

Built With

Table of Components

File Structure

  ├── src/
        ├──components             contains components respective folder with markup and styles
            ├──COMPONENT A        components folder where all components with their respective folders are present
                ├──index.html     component A markup file
                ├──style.scss     component A style file (Optional)
                ├──     component screenshot preview on folder access
                ├──preview.png    component design preview image
            ├──COMPONENT B              
            ├──COMPONENT B VARIATION      
            ├──COMPONENT X              
        ├──style.scss             Main page styles
        ├──index.html             Main page of the website
  ├── dist/  Optimized components with respective folders (Available after `yarn build`)


Install Dependencies

yarn install

Build Components

yarn build

Update Components and Watch

yarn serve

The local dev server on serve can be accessed through port 8989 i.e., localhost:8989

How it works

  • Each component is present in it's respective folder eg: components/alert,components/notification,components/card etc

  • Optional SCSS file is added and linked directly within HTML using link attribute which will be compiled by parcel.

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.scss">

    Note: Tailwind Styles are required for each respective component style (SCSS) file if you are planning on using tailwind in using @apply directive

    @tailwind base;
    @tailwind components;
    @tailwind utilities;
    // Other styles here using @apply for extracting tailwind classes to each class
  • Once the command yarn build is run, the output files will be present on dist folder with the same component structure.

List of Component Categories

  • Alert
  • Card
  • Navigation
  • Notification
  • CTA

and more..

How to add new component

  1. Go to src/components directory. Duplicate the template folder into components with the component name
  2. Update the title in index.html and contents within <!-- Component start --> <!-- Component End --> lines.
  3. Remove default style.scss and unlink the file if not used in the index.html
  4. Take a Screenshot of the result and replace the preview.png within the component folder.


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