This is an example Ratpack app, based on the latest (Netty-powered) version. It is a subset port of the Groovy Console.
It is also using the Ratpack Gradle plugin as the development environment.
*To run this app, you need Java 8
Check this project out, cd into the directory and run:
./gradlew run
This will start the ratpack app. In your browser go to http://localhost:5050.
The Gradle Ratpack plugin builds on the Gradle Application plugin. This means it's easy to create a standalone distribution for your app.
./gradlew installApp
cd build/install/groovy-web-console/
Your app should now be running. See The Application Plugin chapter in the Gradle User Guide for more on what the Gradle application plugin can do for you.
One of the key Ratpack features is support for runtime reloading. The src/ratpack/ratpack.groovy
file (which defines
the request routes and handlers) can be changed at runtime.
Furthermore, full reloading of supporting classes (i.e. src/main/groovy
) is enabled via
SpringSource's SpringLoaded library.
See src/ratpack/ratpack.groovy
and src/main/groovy/groovywebconsole/ReloadingThing.groovy
for instructions on how to test
the SpringLoaded based reloading.
The Ratpack Gradle plugin has special support for IntelliJ IDEA. To open the project in IDEA, run:
./gradlew idea
If you have the idea
command line tool installed you can then run:
idea groovy-web-console.ipr
In the “Run” menu, you will find a run configuration for launching the Ratpack app from within your IDE. Hot reloading
is supported in this mode. See src/main/groovy/groovywebconsole/ReloadingThing.groovy
for details.
jvmArgs "-Dratpack.port=8080"
To your run
closure, for example:
run {
jvmArgs "-Dratpack.port=8080"
systemProperty "ratpack.reloadable", "true"
Set the JVM property using the JAVA_OPTS
shell variable. For example, in the Bash shell:
export JAVA_OPTS=-Dratpack.port=8080
The published Ratpack Manual is currently minimal, but contributions are welcome.
More information, including issue tracker and support forum, is available on the Ratpack Website.
You can also check out the source @ or open this project in IDEA and dig through the source there.