Api which is used to create runner and update the result for that runner in testrail , It provides the basic functionality to authenticate API requests.
Please add the contained package to your application or project (e.g. in Eclipse). The API binding also has a separate, external dependency on the JSON.simple library which can downloaded here:
intializeClient(String url)
Program api = new Program();
setUser(String username, String password);
api.setUser("[email protected]", "12345678");
add_run(pid, suiteid, run_name, r_description, r_assignedto_id, r_include_all);
long runnerid = api.add_run(2, 2, "Creating runner "," Creating runner using selenium api", 1, true);
Name Type Description
pid int project id
suite_id int The ID of the test suite for the test run (optional if the project is operating in single suite mode, required otherwise)
run_name string The name of the test run
r_description string The description of the test run
r_assignedto_id int The ID of the user the test run should be assigned to
r_include_all bool True for including all test cases of the test suite and false for a custom case selection (default: true)
add_result_for_Case(long rid,int tid,String status,String cmt)
api.add_result_for_Case(runnerid,4,"pass","Page loaded suceessfully");
Name Type Description
rid int runner id
tid int Testcase id
status string Status of the Testcase in pass / fail
cmt string Any comments for the result