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Strman library

A Go string manipulation library. By Rajkumar Palani


A Go library for working with Strings. You can learn about all the String utility functions implemented in strman library by reading the documentation.


go get

Package import

import (


Supported Methods

  1. Appends - Appends strings to another string.
  2. AppendsArray - Appends an array of String to a string.
  3. At - Get the character at index.
  4. Base64Decode - Decodes data encoded with MIME base64.
  5. Base64Encode - Encodes data with MIME base64.
  6. Between - Returns an array with strings between start and end.
  7. Capitalize - Converts the first character of string to upper case and the remaining to lower case.
  8. Chars - Returns a String array consisting of the characters in the String.
  9. CharsCount - Counts the number of occurrences of each character in the string.
  10. CollapseWhitespace - Replace consecutive whitespace characters with a single space.
  11. Contains - Verifies that the needle is contained in the value. Case sensitive.
  12. ContainsAll - Verifies that all needles are contained in value. Case insensitive.
  13. ContainsAllCaseSensitive - Verifies that all needles are contained in value. Case sensitive.
  14. ContainsAny - Verifies that one or more of needles are contained in value. Case insensitive.
  15. ContainsAnyCaseSensitive - Verifies that one or more of needles are contained in value.
  16. CountSubstr - Count the number of times substr appears in value. Case Sensitive.
  17. CountSubstring - Count the number of times substr appears in value.
  18. CountsSubstr - Counts the number of times substr appears in value. Allows overlapping.
  19. Dasherize - Converts a underscored or camelized string into an dasherized one.
  20. DecEncode - Convert string chars to decimal unicode (16 digits).
  21. EndsWith - Tests if value ends with search.
  22. EndsWithCase - Tests if value ends with search. Case sensitive.
  23. EnsureLeft - Ensures that the value begins with prefix. If it doesn't exist, it's prepended. Case sensitive.
  24. EnsureLeftWithCase - Ensures that the value begins with prefix. If it doesn't exist, it's prepended.
  25. EnsureRight - Ensures that the value ends with suffix. If it doesn't, it's appended. Case sensitive.
  26. EnsureRightWithCase - Ensures that the value ends with suffix. If it doesn't, it's appended. Case sensitive.
  27. First - Returns the first 3 chars of String(ASCII).
  28. FirstNChars - Returns the first n chars of String(ASCII).
  29. Format - Formats a string using parameters. Will be added in a future release.
  30. FormatNumber - Returns a string where groups of three digits are delimited by comma.
  31. HTMLDecode - Converts all HTML entities to applicable characters.
  32. HTMLEncode - Convert all applicable characters to HTML entities.
  33. Head - Return the first char of String(ASCII).
  34. HexDecode - Convert hexadecimal unicode (4 digits) string to string chars.
  35. HexEncode - Convert string chars to hexadecimal unicode (4 digits).
  36. Humanize - Converts an underscored, camelized, or dasherized string into a humanized one.
  37. IndexOf - Returns the index within the calling String of the first occurrence of the specified value.
  38. Insert - Inserts 'substring' into the 'value' at the 'index' provided.
  39. IsBlank - Checks if string is empty.
  40. IsEnclosedBetween - Verifies whether String is enclosed by same encloser.
  41. IsEnclosedBetweenTwo - Verifies whether String is enclosed by 2 different enclosers.
  42. IsLowerCase - Verifies if String is lowercase.
  43. IsString - Checks whether parameter is String.
  44. IsUpperCase - Verifies if String is uppercase.
  45. Join - concatenates all the elements of the strings array into a single String.
  46. Last - Returns the last n chars of String.
  47. LastIndexOf - returns the index within the calling String object of the last occurrence of the specified value.
  48. LastIndexOfWithCase - returns the index of the last occurrence of the specified value. Case sensitive.
  49. LeftPad - Returns a new string such that the beginning of the string is padded.
  50. LeftPad2Len - Returns a new string of a given length such that the beginning of the string is padded.
  51. LeftTrim - Removes all spaces on left.
  52. Length - Returns length of String. Delegates to len method.
  53. Lines - Split lines to an array.
  54. LowerFirst - Converts the first character of string to lower case.
  55. Prepend - Returns a new String starting with 'prepends' string.
  56. PrependArray - Returns a new String starting with 'prepends' string array.
  57. RemoveEmptyStrings - Remove empty Strings from string array.
  58. RemoveLeft - Returns a new String with the prefix removed, if present. Case sensitive.
  59. RemoveLeftWithCase - Returns a new String with the prefix removed, if present.
  60. RemoveNonWords - Remove all non word characters.
  61. RemoveRight - Returns a new string with the 'suffix' removed, if present. Case sensitive.
  62. RemoveRightWithCase - Returns a new string with the 'suffix' removed, if present.
  63. RemoveSpaces - Removes all spaces.
  64. Repeat - Returns a repeated string given a multiplier.
  65. Replace - Replace all occurrences of 'search' value to 'newvalue'.
  66. Reverse - Reverse the input String.
  67. RightPad - Returns a new string such that the ending of the string is padded.
  68. RightPad2Len - Returns a new string of a given length such that the ending of the string is padded.
  69. RightTrim - Removes all spaces on right.
  70. SafeTruncate - Truncate the string securely, not cutting a word in half.
  71. Shuffle - Returns a string with its characters in random order.
  72. Slice - A substring method.
  73. Slugify - Convert a String to a slug.
  74. Split - Alias to String split function.
  75. Surround - Surrounds a 'value' with the given 'prefix' and 'suffix'.
  76. SwapCase - Returns a copy of the string in which all the case-based characters have had their case swapped.
  77. Tail - Returns tail of the String.
  78. ToCamelCase - Transform to camelCase.
  79. ToDecamelize - Decamelize String.
  80. ToKebabCase - Transform to kebab-case.
  81. ToSnakeCase - Transform to snake_case.
  82. ToStudlyCase - Transform to StudlyCaps.
  83. Transliterate - Remove all non valid characters.
  84. TrimEnd - Removes trailing chars from string.
  85. TrimEndSpaces - Removes trailing whitespace from string.
  86. TrimStart - Removes leading chars from string.
  87. TrimStartSpaces - Removes leading whitespace from string.
  88. Truncate - Truncates the unsecured form string, cutting the independent string of required position.
  89. UnEqual - Tests if two Strings are InEqual.
  90. Underscored - Changes passed in string to all lower case and adds underscore between words.
  91. UpperFirst - Converts the first character of string to upper case.
  92. Words - Splits a String to words.
  93. WordsDelimitedBy - Splits a String to words with a delimiter.
  94. Zip - Aggregates the contents of 2 strings arrays into a single list of tuples.


This library is inspired by dleitee/strman and shekhargulati/strman.


strman is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


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