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DataContract is a simplified reimplementation of

  • Doesn't force additonal internal allocations with ABI encoding calls
  • Optimised for the case where the data to read/write and contract are 1:1
  • Assembly optimisations for less gas usage
  • Not shipped with other unrelated code to reduce dependency bloat
  • Fuzzed with foundry
  • Reverts instead of silently truncating if slices are out of range for data
  • Safer start/length paradigm than start/end for slicing

It is a little more low level in that it doesn't work on bytes from Solidity but instead requires the caller to copy memory directy by pointer. can help with that.

Dev stuff

Local environment & CI

Uses nixos.

Install nix develop -

Run nix develop in this repo to drop into the shell. Please ONLY use the nix version of foundry for development, to ensure versions are all compatible.

Read the flake.nix file to find some additional commands included for dev and CI usage.

Legal stuff

Everything is under DecentraLicense 1.0 (DCL-1.0) which can be found in LICENSES/.

This is basically CAL-1.0 which is an open source license

The non-legal summary of DCL-1.0 is that the source is open, as expected, but also user data in the systems that this code runs on must also be made available to those users as relevant, and that private keys remain private.

Roughly it's "not your keys, not your coins" aware, as close as we could get in legalese.

This is the default situation on permissionless blockchains, so shouldn't require any additional effort by dev-users to adhere to the license terms.

This repo is REUSE 3.2 compliant and compatible with reuse tooling (also available in the nix shell here).

nix develop -c rainix-sol-legal


Contributions are welcome under the same license as above.

Contributors agree and warrant that their contributions are compliant.