Please see for a Neovim plugin that properly sets LSP servers' settings.
If you are not using Neovim, this might still work for you.
Activates your Python virtual-environments while working in Neo/Vim.
- Select python runtime for current project
- Detect pyenv and virtualenvwrapper placeholders (
) - Detect virtualenv via popular tools: pipenv, poetry, etc.
- User Vim events on de/activation
- Optional Lua light-weight version
If you choose to use the vim plugin,
ensure your neo/vim instance supports python3
, i.e. :echo has('python3')
should print 1
. Use your favorite plugin-manager, for example dein.vim:
call dein#add('rafi/vim-venom', { 'on_ft': 'python' })
Or, if you're using vim-plug, I got your back too:
Plug 'rafi/vim-venom', { 'for': 'python' }
You can change the default configuration:
Variable | Description | Default |
g:venom_auto_activate |
Automatically tries to detect and activate virtualenv | 1 |
g:venom_use_tools |
Use external-tools to detect virtualenv | 1 |
g:venom_echo |
Upon activation show friendly message | 1 |
g:venom_quiet |
Be quiet when failing to find environments | 0 |
g:venom_symbol |
Icon for statusline helper function | 🐍 |
g:venom_tools |
External-tools configuration | See here |
Please see for a Neovim plugin that properly sets LSP servers' settings.
If you choose to use the Lua version, disable vim-plugin before loading the plugin, and once loaded, run setup:
vim.g.venom_loaded = 1 -- Before plugin loaded
require('venom').setup() -- After plugin loaded
However, the current implement does not support tools (poetry, pipenv) and Vim commands and events.
The Lua API:
packer.nvim install example:
vim.g.venom_loaded = 1
use {
ft = {'python'},
config = 'require("venom").setup()'
dein.vim install example:
call dein#add('rafi/vim-venom', {
\ 'on_ft': 'python',
\ 'hook_add': 'let g:venom_loaded = 1',
\ 'hook_post_source': 'lua require("venom").setup()'
\ })
You can change the default configuration:
auto_activate = true,
echo = true,
quiet = false,
symbol = '🐍',
root_patterns = {'.venv', '.python-version'},
use_tools = true,
tools = {},
:VenomActivate [path]
- Without argument: Try to detect virtual-environment
- With argument: Find python runtime in path and place a marker to persist selection.
User can activate a different Python runtime, and use auto-completion when
selecting one, using :VenomActivate
and Tab.
Once activation runs manually (without arguments) or automatically when
is enabled, plugin will attempt to detect the project's
virtual-environment path using several strategies:
- Detect
directory in project's directory. - Detect
file containing environment path in plain-text. - Detect with external-tools (if
is enabled).
See the following g:venom_tools
for external tools usage & support.
Enabling g:venom_use_tools
leverages external tools in-order to resolve
the project's virtual-environment path, plugin now supports:
You can extend and change the usage. These are the default values:
let g:venom_use_tools = 1
let g:venom_tools = {
\ 'poetry': 'poetry env info -p',
\ 'pipenv': 'pipenv --venv'
\ }
As a user, you have two events you can hook triggers to extend behavior:
For example, if you use deoplete and deoplete-jedi together:
" Deoplete Jedi: Set python executable from PATH
autocmd User VenomActivated,VenomDeactivated
\ let g:deoplete#sources#jedi#python_path =
\ exepath('python' . (has('win32') ? '.exe' : ''))
Or use jedi-vim's new :JediUseEnvironment
feature (pending #836):
" Jedi: Set environment from PATH
autocmd User VenomActivated,VenomDeactivated
\ silent! execute 'JediUseEnvironment ' .
\ exepath('python' . (has('win32') ? '.exe' : ''))
- By default,
FileType python
event triggers plugin activation. You can add other events yourself, e.g.:autocmd BufWinEnter *.py call venom#activate()
- Plugin doesn't alter Neovim's
. I don't think it should. - Mostly tested with Neovim
© 2019-2022 Rafael Bodill