A module to integrate Sir Trevor Js with Drupal 7.
Drupal 7.
- underscore
- imce
- jquery_update
Sir Trevor Js (included)
Eventable (included)
Underscore 1.4.4 is required (included if needed)
Twitter widget js. Option in admin to include if required.
Install this module along with other modules to sites/all/modules
If you don't have underscore.js you'll need to install with drush or copy to sites/all/libraries/underscore
Include the Sir Trevor Js filter in your Text formats. You'll want to customise the order of filters so that unwanted tags are stripped and urls / linebreaks are not converted.
If you want to use the Twitter block then you'll need to add your http://dev.twitter.com app keys to the admin area.
Allow customisation of textareas that are replaced with Sir Trevor Js. Migrate existing content to Sir Trevor JSON. Make installation of content filter simpler.