Yaah Auction decorators for Allegro categories related to Magic: The Gathering
New auction via category-specific decorator. More human readable (associative array instead of numeric FID-indexed array). Also, with the help of multiple decorators (one per category) you can map the same array key (i.e. condition) to different category-specific FIDs.
use Radowoj\Yaah\Auction;
use Radowoj\Yaah\Constants\AuctionTimespans;
use Radowoj\Yaah\Constants\AuctionFids;
use Radowoj\Yaah\Constants\Conditions;
use Radowoj\Yaah\Constants\SaleFormats;
use Radowoj\Yaah\Constants\ShippingPaidBy;
use Radowoj\Yaah\HelperFactory\Factory;
use Radowoj\Yaah\AuctionDecorators\Mtg\RedAuction;
use Radowoj\Yaah\AuctionDecorators\Mtg\BlueAuction;
$helper = (new Factory())->create([
'apiKey' => 'your-allegro-api-key',
'login' => 'your-allegro-login',
'passwordHash' => 'your-sha-256-hashed-and-then-base64-encoded-allegro-password',
'countryCode' => 'your-country-code',
'isSandbox' => 'true-if-you-intend-to-use-sandbox'
$redAuction = new RedAuction(new Auction());
'title' => 'Test auction for a Red card',
'description' => 'Test auction description',
'timespan' => AuctionTimespans::TIMESPAN_3_DAYS,
'quantity' => 100,
'country' => 1,
'region' => 15,
'city' => 'SomeCity',
'postcode' => '12-345',
'condition' => Conditions::CONDITION_NEW,
'sale_format' => SaleFormats::SALE_FORMAT_SHOP,
'buy_now_price' => 43.21,
'shipping_paid_by' => ShippingPaidBy::SHIPPING_PAID_BY_BUYER,
'post_package_priority_price' => 12.34,
//array of (no more than 8) paths to photo files
$blueAuction = new BlueAuction(new Auction());
'title' => 'Test auction for a Blue card',
'description' => 'Test auction description',
'timespan' => AuctionTimespans::TIMESPAN_3_DAYS,
'quantity' => 100,
'country' => 1,
'region' => 15,
'city' => 'SomeCity',
'postcode' => '12-345',
'condition' => Conditions::CONDITION_NEW,
'sale_format' => SaleFormats::SALE_FORMAT_SHOP,
'buy_now_price' => 43.21,
'shipping_paid_by' => ShippingPaidBy::SHIPPING_PAID_BY_BUYER,
'post_package_priority_price' => 12.34,
//array of (no more than 8) paths to photo files
$localId = 1;
$allegroItemId = $helper->newAuction($redAuction, $localId++);
echo "Created auction with itemId = {$allegroItemId}\n";
$allegroItemId = $helper->newAuction($blueAuction, $localId++);
echo "Created auction with itemId = {$allegroItemId}\n";