Run YARD as RSpec.
module Foo
class Bar
# @example returns "baz"
# expect( eq('baz')
# @example returns "bazbaz" for count 2
# expect( 2)).to eq('bazbaz')
# @return [String]
def baz(count: 1)
'baz' * count
The code above is interpreted as follows:
$ bundle exec rspec
returns "baz"
returns "bazbaz" for count 2
Finished in 0.00129 seconds (files took 0.087 seconds to load)
2 examples, 0 failures
Install the gem and add to the application's Gemfile by executing:
bundle add yardspec
If bundler is not being used to manage dependencies, install the gem by executing:
gem install yardspec
Require "yardspec"
and call Yardspec.define_examples
as follows:
# spec/yard_spec.rb
require 'yardspec'
then run entire test suite:
bundle exec rspec
or run this test file:
bundle exec rspec spec/yard_spec.rb
takes optional path glob as an argument.
If nothing is specified, the default value of YARD is used.
Yardspec.define_examples(["{lib,app}/**/*.rb", "ext/**/*.{c,cc,cxx,cpp,rb}"])