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Fault-tolerant distributed coordination framework built on the Raft consensus protocol


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I <3 Logs Too!

Build Status

Copycat is an extensible log-based distributed coordination framework for Java 8 built on the Raft consensus protocol.

Copycat is a CP (consistent/partition-tolerant) oriented exercise in distributed coordination built on a consistent replicated log. The core of Copycat is an extensible asynchronous framework that uses a mixture of gossip and the Raft consensus protocol to provide a set of high level APIs that solve a variety of distributed systems problems including:

Copycat also provides integration with asynchronous networking frameworks like Netty and Vert.x.

Copycat is still undergoing heavy development. The master branch is the current development branch and is largely untested and thus not recommended for production. We need contributions!

Copycat snapshots are now being published! An official beta release of Copycat will be published to Maven Central once it is feature complete and well tested. Follow the project for updates!

Copycat requires Java 8

User Manual

  1. Introduction
  2. Getting started
  3. Configuration
  4. Resources
  5. State machines
  6. Event logs
  7. State logs
  8. Leader elections
  9. Collections
  10. The Copycat cluster
  11. Protocols
  12. Architecture


Copycat is a distributed coordination framework built on the Raft consensus protocol. Copycat facilitates numerous types of strongly consistent distributed data structures - referred to as resources - based on a replicated log. Each Copycat cluster can support multiple resources, and each resource within a cluster runs a separate instance of the consensus algorithm to perform leader election and log replication.

The Copycat cluster consists of a core set of active members which participate in the Raft leader election and replication protocol and perform all synchronous replication. Additionally, the cluster may contain a set of additional passive members which can be added and removed from the cluster dynamically. While active members participate in replication of logs via Raft, passive members perform replication asynchronously using a simple gossip protocol.

The following image demonstrates the relationship between active and passive members in the Copycat cluster:

Copycat cluster

Active members participate in synchronous log replication via the Raft consensus protocol and ultimately gossip committed log entries to passive members, while passive members gossip among each other.

For more information on Copycat's leader election and replication implementation see the in depth explanation of Copycat's architecture.

In addition to supporting multiple resources within the same cluster, Copycat supports different cluster configurations on a per-resource basis. This allows Copycat's resources to be optimized by partitioning resources and assigning different partitions to different members in the cluster.

The following image depicts the partitioning of resources across the Copycat cluster:

Each resource in the cluster has its own related logical Cluster through which it communicates with other members of the resource's cluster. Just as each resource performs replication for its associated log, so too does each resource cluster perform leader elections independently of other resources in the cluster. Additionally, Copycat's global and resource clusters can be used to send arbitrary messages between members of the cluster or execute tasks on members remotely.

Getting started

The Copycat project is structured as several Maven submodules.

The primary module for Copycat is the copycat-api module. The Copycat API module aggregates all of the resource modules into a single API, and allows multiple distributed resources to be created within a single Copycat instance.


Additionally, the following resource modules are provided:

  • copycat-event-log - A replicated log designed for recording event histories
  • copycat-state-log - A replicated log designed for strongly consistent recording of state machine command histories
  • copycat-state-machine - A replicated state machine framework built on top of copycat-state-log using proxies
  • copycat-leader-election - A simple leader election framework built on top of copycat-state-log
  • copycat-collections - A set of strongly consistent distributed collection APIs built on top of copycat-state-log

Each of the Copycat resource modules can be used independently of one another and independently of the high level copycat-api.

Thread safety

All of Copycat's user-facing APIs are thread safe. Additionally, each of Copycat's resources and their related clusters are executed on a single thread-per-resource.

Configuring the protocol

Copycat supports a pluggable protocol that allows developers to integrate a variety of frameworks into the Copycat cluster. Each Copycat cluster must specific a Protocol in the cluster's ClusterConfig. For more information see the section on protocols.

ClusterConfig cluster = new ClusterConfig()
  .withProtocol(new NettyTcpProtocol());

Alternatively, users can override the default protocol by overriding cluster-defaults.conf with cluster.conf.


protocol {
  class: net.kuujo.copycat.netty.NettyTcpProtocol
  send.buffer.size: 8192
  receive.buffer.size: 8192

Copycat core protocol implementations include Netty, Vert.x, and Vert.x 3. Each protocol implementation is separated into an independent module which can be added as a Maven dependency.


The copycat-core module also contains a LocalProtocol which can be used for multi-threaded testing. When using the LocalProtocol for testing, you should use the same LocalProtocol instance across all test instances.

Setting up the cluster

In order to connect your Copycat instance to the Copycat cluster, you must add a set of protocol-specific URIs to the ClusterConfig. The cluster configuration specifies how to find the active members - the core voting members of the Copycat cluster - by defining a simple list of active members URIs. Passive members are not defined in the cluster configuration. Rather, they are added dynamically to the cluster via a gossip protocol. For more about active members see the section on cluster members.

ClusterConfig cluster = new ClusterConfig()
  .withProtocol(new VertxTcpProtocol())
  .withMembers("tcp://123.456.789.0:1234", "tcp://123.456.789.1:1234", "tcp://123.456.789.2:1234");

Note that the cluster's local-member attribute must be defined, but it does not have to be represented in the list of configured active members. If the local member is not in the active members list, the node will join the cluster as a passive member.

Alternatively, users can configure the cluster by overriding the default cluster configuration with a cluster.conf Typesafe configuration file:


protocol {
  class: net.kuujo.copycat.vertx.VertxTcpProtocol
  connect.timeout: 30000

members: [

Note that member URIs must be unique and all members of the cluster must agree with the configured protocol. Member URIs will be checked at configuration time for validity.

Because of the design of the Raft algorithm, it is strongly recommended that any Copycat cluster have at least three active voting members. Raft requires a majority of the cluster to be available in order to accept writes. Since passive members don't participate in the Raft protocol, only active members contribute towards this membership count. So, for instance, a cluster of three active members can tolerate one failure, a cluster of five active members can tolerate two failures, and so on.

Creating a Copycat instance

To create a Copycat instance, call one of the overloaded Copycat.create() methods:

  • Copycat.create() - creates a Copycat instance with the file-based cluster configuration
  • Copycat.create(ClusterConfig cluster) - creates a Copycat instance with a custom cluster configuration
  • Copycat.create(CopycatConfig config) - create a Copycat instance with a custom configuration

Note that the first argument to any Copycat.create() method is a uri. This is the protocol specific URI of the local member, and it may or may not be a member defined in the provided ClusterConfig. This is because Copycat actually supports eventually consistent replication for clusters much larger than the core Raft cluster - the cluster of active members defined in the cluster configuration.

Copycat copycat = Copycat.create(cluster);

When a Copycat instance is constructed, a central replicated state machine is created for the entire Copycat cluster. This state machine is responsible for maintaining the state of all cluster resources. In other words, it acts as a central registry for other log based structures created within the cluster. This allows Copycat to coordinate the creation, usage, and deletion of multiple log-based resources within the same cluster.

Once the Copycat instance has been created, you must open the Copycat instance by calling the open method.

CompletableFuture<Copycat> future =;

When the Copycat instance is opened, all the resources defined in the configuration will be opened and begin participating in leader election and log replication.

Accessing the Copycat cluster

Each Copycat instance contains a reference to the global Cluster. The cluster handles communication between Copycat instances and provides a vehicle through which users can communicate with other Copycat instances as well. To get a copy of the Copycat Cluster simply call the cluster getter on the Copycat instance.

Cluster cluster = copycat.cluster();

For more information on using the Cluster object to communicate with other members of the cluster see the section on the Copycat cluster.


All Copycat configuration types - CopycatConfig, ClusterConfig, ResourceConfig, etc - are backed by the excellent Typesafe Config library.

Configuration for all configurable objects - cluster, logs, resources, and serializers - are backed by default configuration files. Configurations use a hierarchical resolution process that allows users to override portions of configurations by defining specifically named configuration files. In the documentation that follows, each section regarding a configurable type will indicate how configurations can be overridden.

In general, all configurations are resolved with the following precedence:

  • Code based configuration (e.g. eventLogConfig.withRetentionPolicy(new SizeBasedRetentionPolicy(1024 * 1024));)
  • User defined file-based configuration (e.g. my-event-log.conf)
  • Type specific file configuration (e.g. event-log.conf, resource.conf)
  • Default type specific file configuration (e.g. event-log-defaults.conf, resource-defaults.conf)

Additionally, Copycat's configuration resolution process supports namespaced configurations for all configurable types. So, users can define configuration namespaces by separating configuration sections in the resource name with a .. For example, new StateMachineConfig("") will search for and resolve configuration files in the following order:

  • foo.conf
  • state-machine.conf
  • state-machine-defaults.conf
  • state-log.conf
  • state-log-defaults.conf
  • resource.conf
  • resource-defaults.conf

Additionally, configurable resources referenced within the given configuration will be resolved in a similar order. For instance, the state machine's underlying Log will be resolved in the following order:

  • The log section of
  • The log section of
  • The log section of foo.conf
  • The log section of state-machine.conf
  • The log section of state-machine-defaults.conf
  • The log section of state-log.conf
  • The log section of state-log-defaults.conf
  • log.conf
  • log-defaults.conf

To learn more about Copycat's configuration format, users are encouraged to read the Typesafe Config documentation and particularly the HOCON configuration format


Each Copycat instance can support any number of various named resources. Resource is an abstract term for all of the high level log-based data types provided by Copycat. Ultimately, each resource - whether is be an event log, state log, state machine, or collection - is backed by a Raft replicated log that is managed by the Copycat cluster coordinator internally.

Resource lifecycle

When a Copycat instance is created and opened, any resources for which the local Copycat instance is listed as a replica will be opened internally and immediately begin participating in leader election and replication for that resource. Leader election and replication for resources occur separately from the global Copycat cluster. Therefore, the leader for a given resource may frequently differ from the global Copycat cluster leader. This ensures that Copycat can maintain consistency across multiple resources within the same cluster.

Configuring resources

Each of Copycat's resource types - EventLog, StateLog, StateMachine, etc - has an associated Config class. This configuration class is used to configure various attributes of the resource, including Raft-specific configuration options such as election timeouts and heartbeat intervals as well as resource specific configuration options. Each of these configuration classes can be used to configure their respective resources when the resources are created

EventLogConfig config = new EventLogConfig()
  .withLog(new FileLog()
    .withSegmentSize(1024 * 1024));

EventLog<String> eventLog = copycat.createEventLog("event-log", config);

Each resource can optionally define a set of replicas separate from the global cluster configuration. The set of replicas in the resource configuration must be contained within the set of active members defined in the cluster configuration. The resource's replica set defines the members that should participate in leader election and synchronous replication for the resource. Therefore, in a five node Copycat cluster, if a resource is configured with only three replicas, writes will only need to be persisted on two nodes in order to be successful.

CopycatConfig config = new CopycatConfig()
  .withClusterConfig(new ClusterConfig()
    .withProtocol(new NettyTcpProtocol())

Copycat copycat = Copycat.create(config).open().get();

EventLogConfig eventLogConfig = new EventLogConfig()
  .withReplicas("tcp://123.456.789.1:1234", "tcp://123.456.789.2:1234", "tcp://123.456.789.3:1234")
  .withLog(new FileLog()
    .withSegmentSize(1024 * 1024));

EventLog<String> eventLog = copycat.createEventLog("event-log", eventLogConfig);

If replicas are defined for the resource and the local cluster member is not specified in the list of resource members, the local resource will join the clustered resource as a passive member of the resource.

Resource replicas

Each of the resources in Copycat's cluster do not have to be replicated on all active members on the core cluster. Instead, Copycat allows replicas to be configured on a per-resource basis. This allows users to configure replication for a specific resource on a subset of the core cluster of active members.

CopycatConfig config = new CopycatConfig()
  .withClusterConfig(new ClusterConfig()

EventLogConfig eventLogConfig = new EventLogConfig()

Log configuration

Each replica of each resource in the Copycat cluster writes to a separate, configurable log. Logs are defined in the resource configuration via the setLog and withLog methods. Copycat provides several different log implementations for different use cases:

  • FileLog - A simple FileChannel based log. This is the default log for most Copycat data structures.
  • BufferedLog - An in-memory log implementation built on TreeMap.
  • ChronicleLog - A very efficient Chronicle Queue based log.

Many resource configuration options involve configuring the log itself. Users can configure the performance and reliability of all Copycat logs by tuning the underlying file log configuration options, for instance, by configuring the frequency with which Copycat flushes logs to disk.

EventLogConfig config = new EventLogConfig()
  .withLog(new FileLog()
    .withFlushInterval(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS));

Additionally, configurations for all logs or for specific logs can be overridden via Typesafe configuration files. To override the default configuration for all logs, define a log.conf configuration resource on the classpath. Alternatively, to configure a named log define a configuration resource (i.e. *.conf, *.json, or *.properties) on the classpath and reference that resource when constructing the log. For example:


segment.interval: 60000
flush.on-write: true

Given a custom configuration resource on the classpath, simply pass that resource name to the log constructor:

EventLogConfig config = new EventLogConfig()
  .withLog(new FileLog("my-log"));

Log configurations are resolved with the following order of precedence:

  • Code based configuration
  • Custom file based configuration
  • log.conf, log.json, or
  • log-defaults.conf

Additionally, log configurations can be overridden within resource configuration files as well.

log {
  class: net.kuujo.copycat.log.FileLog
  segment.interval: 60000
  flush.on-write: true


By default, entries to Copycat's logs are serialized using the default Kryo based serializer, so users can implement custom serializer for log entries by implementing KryoSerializable:

public class MyEntry implements KryoSerializable {

  public void write (Kryo kryo, Output output) {
    // ...

  public void read (Kryo kryo, Input input) {
     // ...

To register custom classes for serialization by the Kryo serializer, create a serializer.conf on the classpath and define classes and their IDs in the registrations object:


registrations.1 = com.mycompany.myproject.MySerializableClass
registrations.2 = com.mycompant.myproject.OtherSerializableClass

In order to ensure portability between members, it's important that all nodes in the Copycat cluster contain the same registrations with the same identifiers.

Serializer configurations can also be specified on a per-resource basis:


serializer {
  class: net.kuujo.copycat.util.serializer.KryoSerializer
  registrations {
    1: com.mycompany.myproject.MySerializableClass
    2: com.mycompany.myproject.OtherSerializableClass


Copycat makes heavy use of Java 8's CompletableFuture. Each Copycat resource guarantees that completable future callbacks will be executed on the same thread-per-resource. However, in some cases the user needs control over the context in which resource callbacks are executed. For instance, when running Copycat within Vert.x, it can be useful to execute CompletableFuture callbacks, election result handlers, message handlers, and other callbacks on the Vert.x event loop. Copycat allows users to configure the Executor used by each resource instance.

To configure the Executor instance for a resource, add the executor to the resource's configuration:

EventLogConfig config = new EventLogConfig()
  .withExecutor(new VertxEventLoopExecutor(vertx));

All user facing callbacks within the resource and its related cluster will be executed with the given Executor instance.

To configure the executor for the global Copycat cluster and instance, add an Executor to the CopycatConfig:

CopycatConfig config = new CopycatConfig()
  .withExecutor(new VertxEventLoopExecutor(vertx));

Note that because of the semantics of threads, executors are the one resource that can not be specified via configuration files.

Resource configuration files

All resource configurations inherit from the base ResourceConfig configuration class. The ResourceConfig receives defaults from the resource-defaults.conf Typesafe configuration file. To override default resource configuration options for all resource types, define a resource.conf on the classpath. Any configuration options specified in resource.conf will override equivalent values defined in resource-defaults.conf.


# Set the default resource log to BufferedLog
log.class: net.kuujo.copycat.log.BufferedLog

Creating resources

With resources configured and the Copycat instance created, resources can be easily retrieved by calling any of the resource-specific methods on the Copycat instance:

  • <T> EventLog<T> createEventLog(String name)
  • <T> StateLog<T> createStateLog(String name)
  • <T> StateMachine<T> createStateMachine(String name)
  • LeaderElection createLeaderElection(String name)
  • <K, V> AsyncMap<K, V> createMap(String name)
  • <K, V> AsyncMultiMap<K, V> createMultiMap(String name)
  • <T> AsyncList<T> createList(String name)
  • <T> AsyncSet<T> createSet(String name)
  • AsyncLock createLock(String name)
  • AsyncLong createLong(String name)
  • AsyncBoolean createBoolean(String name)
  • AsyncReference createReference(String name)
Copycat copycat = Copycat.create(config); -> {
  StateMachine<String> stateMachine = copycat.createStateMachine("test"); -> {
    Map<String, String> map = stateMachine.createProxy(Map.class);
    map.put("foo", "Hello world!").thenRun(() -> {
      map.get("foo").thenAccept(value -> {

Java 8's CompletableFuture framework is extremely powerful. For instance, the previous code sample could be rewritten as so:

Copycat copycat = Copycat.create(config);
  .thenApply(stateMachine -> stateMachine.createProxy(Map.class))
  .thenAccept(map -> {
    map.put("foo", "Hello world!")
      .thenCompose(v -> map.get("foo"))
      .thenAccept(value -> System.out.println(value));

Resource clusters

In order to ensure consistency across resources, each resource performs leader election and replication separately from the global Copycat cluster. Additionally, because each resource can be replicated on a separate set of nodes than that which is defined in the global ClusterConfig, resources maintain a separate membership list as well. Each resource exposes a separate Cluster instance that contains state regarding the resource's leader election and membership. This Cluster can be used to communicate with other members in the resource's cluster.

Cluster cluster = stateMachine.cluster();

State machines

The most common use case for consensus algorithms is to support a strongly consistent replicated state machine. Replicated state machines are similarly an essential feature of Copycat. Copycat provides a unique, proxy based interface that allows users to operate on state machines either synchronously or asynchronously.

Creating a state machine

To create a replicated state machine, you first must design an interface for the state machine states. In this case we'll use one of Copycat's provided collections as an example.

States are used internally by Copycat to apply state machine commands and queries and transition between multiple logical states. Each state within a state machine must implement a consistent explicitly defined interface. In this case we're using the existing Java Map interface to define the state.

public class DefaultMapState<K, V> implements Map<K, V> {
  private Map<K, V> map;

  public void init(StateContext<AsyncMapState<K, V>> context) {
    map = context.get("value");
    if (map == null) {
      map = new HashMap<>();
      context.put("value", map);

  public V put(K key, V value) {
    return map.put(key, value);

  public V get(K key) {
    return map.get(key);

  public V remove(K key) {
    return map.remove(key);

  public boolean containsKey(K key) {
    return map.containsKey(key);


The StateContext can be used to store state values that Copycat will use to take snapshots of the state machine state and compact the replicated log. For this reason, it is essential that state implementations store state in the StateContext.

Once we've defined the map state, we can simply create a new map state machine via the stateMachine factory method.

CopycatConfig config = new CopycatConfig()
  .addStateMachineConfig("map", new StateMachineConfig()

Copycat copycat = Copycat.create(config).open().get();

StateMachine<Map<String, String>> stateMachine = copycat.createStateMachine("map").open().get();

When a Copycat resource - such as a state machine, log, or election - is created, the resource must be opened before it can be used. Practically all Copycat interfaces return CompletableFuture instances which can either be used to block until the result is received or receive the result asynchronously. In this case we just block by calling the get() method on the CompletableFuture.

Creating a state machine as a standalone service

Copycat's architecture is designed such that individual resource types can be used completely independently of others. The state machine module can be added as a separate Maven dependency, and state machines can be created independent of the high level Copycat interface which aggregates all resource types into a single component.

To use the state machine as a standalone service, simply add the copycat-state-machine module as a Maven dependency:


The StateMachine interface provides its own constructors similar to the Copycat.create constructors.

StateMachineConfig config = new StateMachineConfig()

StateMachine<Map<K, V>> stateMachine = StateMachine.create("my-state-machine", cluster, config).open().get();
stateMachine.submit("get", "foo").get();

Configuring the state machine

State machines are configured using the StateMachineConfig class. This class contains vital configuration information regarding how the state machine should handle startup and how it should apply commands.

As demonstrated in the example in the previous section, two vital components of the StateMachineConfig are the state type and initial state. The state type is an interface which contains all of the state methods. All state implementations must implement this interface. The initial state is the first state to which the state machine will transition upon startup.

StateMachineConfig config = new StateMachineConfig()

Alternatively, state machine configurations can be defined via Typesafe configuration files. Copycat resolves state machine configurations in the following order:

  • StateMachineConfig - the code based state machine configuration can override all other configuration options
  • User defined configuration file - the configuration resource specified when constructing a StateMachineConfig, e.g. new StateMachineConfig("my-state-machine")
  • state-machine configuration resource - a state-machine.conf, state-machine.json, or file on the classpath
  • state-machine-defaults.conf - the state machine defaults configuration file
  • resource configuration resource - a resource.conf, resource.json, or file on the classpath
  • resource-defaults.conf - the resource defaults configuration file

Additionally, configurable resources within the state machine configuration - such as the log and serializer - resolve with a similar hierarchy of precedence.

By default, all Copycat resources use the KryoSerializer for serialization. This should work fine for most use cases, but if you so desire you can configure the Serializer class on the StateMachineConfig.

StateMachineConfig config = new StateMachineConfig()

Designing state machine states

State machines consist of a series of states and transitions between them. Backed by a state log, Copycat guarantees that commands (state method calls) will be applied to the state machine in the same order on all nodes of a Copycat cluster. Given the same commands in the same order, state machines should always arrive at the same state with the same output (return value). That means all commands (methods) of a state machine state must be deterministic; commands cannot depend on the state of shared external systems such as a database or file system.

State machines are defined by simply defining an interface. While a state machine can consist of many states (state interface implementations), all states must implement the same interface. This allows Copycat to expose a consistent interface regardless of the current state of the state machine.

State machine states do not have to extend any particular interface. Simply define the interface itself:

public interface LockState {

  void lock();

  void unlock();


When the state machine is created, the state interface must be provided to the state machine via the StateMachineConfig. Copycat uses the state interface to expose commands and queries to the state machine client.

State machine commands

State machine commands are annotated methods on the state machine state interface. Annotating a method with the @Command annotation indicates that it is a stateful method call, meaning the operation that calls the method should be persisted to the log and replicated. It is vital that all methods which alter the state machine's state be identified by the @Command annotation. For this reason, all state machine methods are commands by default.

public interface MapState<K, V> {

  V put(K key);


State machine queries

Queries are the counter to commands. The @Query annotation is used to identify state machine methods which are purely read-only methods. You should never annotate a method that alters the state machine state with the query annotation. If methods which alter the state machine state are not annotated as commands, calls to the method will not be logged and replicated, and thus state will be inconsistent across replicas.

public interface MapState<K, V> {

  V get(K key);


You can specify the required consistency of queries by defining the @Query annotation's consistency argument. The query consistency allows you to control how read operations are performed. Copycat supports three consistency levels:

  • WEAK - reads the state machine from the local node. This is the cheapest/fastest consistency level, but will often result in stale data being read
  • DEFAULT - all reads go through the resource leader which performs consistency checks based on a lease period equal to the resource's heartbeat interval
  • STRONG - all reads go through the resource leader which performs a synchronous consistency check with a majority of the resource's replicas before applying the query to the state machine and returning the result. This is the most expensive consistency level.

Query consistency defaults to DEFAULT

public interface MapState<K, V> extends Map<K, V> {

  V get(K key);


The state context

Copycat's state machine provides a StateContext object in which state implementations should store state. The reason for storing state in a separate object rather than in the states themselves is threefold. First, the StateContext object persists throughout the lifetime of the state machine, even across states. Second, the state machine uses the state held within the StateContext to take and install snapshots for log compaction. Snapshotting and log compaction is performed automatically using the context's state; users need only store state in the context in order for snapshots to work. Third, the state context provides a vehicle through which states can transition to other states.

To get the StateContext object for the state machine, simply add a method to your state annotated with the @Initializer annotation.

public class DefaultMap<K, V> implements Map<K, V> {
  private StateContext<AsyncMap<K, V>> context;

  public void init(StateContext<AsyncMap<K, V>> context) {
    this.context = context;

  public V get(K key) {
    return context.<Map<K, V>>get("the-map").get(key);


Transitioning the state machine state

To transition to another state via the StateContext, call the transition method. A perfect example of this is a lock. This example transitions between two states - locked and unlocked - based on the current state.

public class UnlockedLockState implements LockState {
  private StateContext<AsyncMap<K, V>> context;

  public void init(StateContext<AsyncMap<K, V>> context) {
    this.context = context;

  public void lock() {
    context.transition(new LockedLockState());

  public void unlock() {
    throw new IllegalStateException("Lock is not locked");

public class LockedLockState implements LockState {
  private StateContext<AsyncMap<K, V>> context;

  public void init(StateContext<AsyncMap<K, V>> context) {
    this.context = context;

  public void lock() {
    throw new IllegalStateException("Lock is locked");

  public void unlock() {
    context.transition(new UnlockedLockState());


Synchronous proxies

While Copycat's StateMachine interface exposes a submit method for submitting named commands and queries to the state machine, it also provides a proxy based interface for operating on the state machine state interface directly. To create a state machine proxy simply call the createProxy method on the StateMachine object, passing the proxy interface to implement. The state machine supports both synchronous and asynchronous return values by checking whether a given proxy interface method's return type is CompletableFuture.

Map<String, String> proxy = stateMachine.createProxy(Map.class);

Once we've created a state machine proxy, we can simply call methods directly on the proxy object and Copycat will internally submit commands and queries to the replicated state machine.

proxy.put("foo", "Hello world!");
System.out.println(proxy.get("foo")); // Hello world!

Asynchronous proxies

The state machine proxy feature also supports asynchronous proxies. It does this simply by checking the return type of a given proxy method. If the proxy method's return type is CompletableFuture then the method will be executed in a separate thread.

Often times asynchronous proxies require creating a separate proxy interface.

public interface AsyncMap<K, V> {

  CompletableFuture<V> put(K key, V value);

  CompletableFuture<V> get(K key);

  CompletableFuture<V> remove(K key);

  CompletableFuture<Void> clear();


Aside from the return types, asynchronous proxies work the same way as synchronous proxies. To create an asynchronous proxy simply call the createProxy method, passing the asynchronous proxy interface.

AsyncMap<K, V> map = stateMachine.createProxy(AsyncMap.class);

map.put("foo", "Hello world!").thenRun(() -> {
  map.get("foo").thenAccept(value -> System.out.println(value)); // Hello world!

Event logs

Event logs are eventually consistent Raft replicated logs that are designed to be compacted based on time or size.

Creating an event log

To create an event log, call the createEventLog method on the Copycat instance.

ClusterConfig cluster = new ClusterConfig()
  .withProtocol(new NettyTcpProtocol())
  .withMembers("tcp://123.456.789.0", "tcp://123.456.789.1", "tcp://123.456.789.2");

CopycatConfig config = new CopycatConfig()
  .addEventLogConfig("event-log", new EventLogConfig());

Copycat copycat = Copycat.create(config); -> {
  copycat.<String>createEventLog("event-log").open().thenAccept(eventLog -> {
    eventLog.commit("Hello world!");

Alternatively, an event log can be created independent of the high-level Copycat API by simply adding the copycat-event-log module as a dependency directly:


The EventLog interface exposes a static method for creating a standalone event log:

ClusterConfig cluster = new ClusterConfig()
  .withProtocol(new NettyTcpProtocol())
  .withMembers("tcp://123.456.789.0:5000", "tcp://123.456.789.1:5000", "tcp://123.456.789.2:5000");

EventLogConfig config = new EventLogConfig()
  .withLog(new FileLog());

EventLog<String> eventLog = EventLog.create("my-event-log", cluster, config);

When a standalone event log is created via the EventLog.create static factory method, a ClusterCoordinator is created and will be automatically shut down once close is called on the created EventLog.

Event log configuration

Event logs are designed to maintain long histories of events. Copycat provides a number of configuration options for the file logs underlying event log resources which allow users to configure both the size of the event log and the time for which event log segments are retained.

The three most notable Log configuration options for event logs are the segment size, the flush interval, and retention policies.

All Copycat logs are broken into segments internally. In order for a segment of the log to be freed (deleted from disk), the segment must not be the last segment in the log. This means if segments were configured with the size Long.MAX_VALUE then Copycat would never clean the log. The segment size and interval can be configured by using the withSegmentSize and withSegmentInterval methods of the Log interface respectively:

Log log = new FileLog()
  .withSegmentSize(1024 * 1024)
  .withSegmentInterval(60, TimeUnit.MINUTES);

The segment size dictates the maximum size of any given segment, and the interval indicates that maximum amount of time a segment can exist before the log is rolled over to a new segment.

Users can also configure the interval at which Copycat flushes logs to disk. For event logs, typically the flush interval does not need to be configured, allowing the FileChannel implementation to handle flushing to disk internally. However, to configure the event log's flush interval use the withFlushInterval method:

Log log = new FileLog()
  .withFlushInterval(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

Alternatively, event log configurations can be defined by Typesafe configuration files. Copycat resolves event log configurations in the following order:

  • EventLogConfig - the code based event log configuration can override all other configuration options
  • User defined configuration file - the configuration resource specified when constructing a EventLogConfig, e.g. new EventLogConfig("my-event-log")
  • event-log configuration resource - a event-log.conf, event-log.json, or file on the classpath
  • event-log-defaults.conf - the event log defaults configuration file
  • resource configuration resource - a resource.conf, resource.json, or file on the classpath
  • resource-defaults.conf - the resource defaults configuration file

To construct an event log configuration from a custom configuration file, simply specify the configuration resource name in the EventLogConfig constructor:

EventLogConfig config = new EventLogConfig("my-event-log");

Finally, event logs support configurable retention policies. Retention policies dictate the amount of time for which a segment of the log is held on disk. For instance, the FullRetentionPolicy keeps logs forever, while the TimeBasedRetentionPolicy allows segments of the log to be deleted after a certain amount of time has passed since the segment was created.

EventLogConfig config = new EventLogConfig()
  .withLog(new FileLog().withSegmentSize(1024 * 1024 * 32))
  .withRetentionPolicy(new SizeBasedRetentionPolicy(1024 * 1024 * 128));

Copycat provides the following log retention policies:

  • FullRetentionPolicy - keeps all log segments forever
  • ZeroRetentionPolicy - deletes segments immediately after the log has been rotated
  • TimeBasedRetentionPolicy - deletes segments after a period of time has passed since they were created
  • SizeBasedRetentionPolicy - deletes segments once the complete log grows to a certain size

Note that additional logs such as the ChronicleLog may provide additional configuration options related to their specific implementation.

Writing events to the event log

To write events to an event log, simply call the commit(T entry) method:

eventLog.commit("Hello world!");

The CompletableFuture returned by the commit method will be completed once the entry has been logged and replicated to a majority of the resource's replica set.

Consuming events from the event log

To consume messages from the event log, register a message consumer via the consumer method:

eventLog.consumer(entry -> System.out.println(entry));

State logs

State logs are strongly consistent Raft replicated logs designed for persisting state. These logs are the basis of Copycat's state machine and the data structures built on top of it. Whereas event logs are designed for time/size based compaction, state logs support log compaction via snapshotting, allowing state to be persisted to the log and replicated to other nodes in the cluster whenever necessary.

Creating a state log

To create a state log, call the stateLog method on the Copycat instance.

ClusterConfig cluster = new ClusterConfig()
  .withProtocol(new NettyTcpProtocol())
  .withMembers("tcp://123.456.789.0:5000", "tcp://123.456.789.1:5000", "tcp://123.456.789.2:5000");

CopycatConfig config = new CopycatConfig()
  .addStateLogConfig("state-log", new StateLogConfig()
    .withLog(new FileLog());

Copycat copycat = Copycat.create(config); -> {
  copycat.<String>createStateLog("state-log").open().thenAccept(stateLog -> {
    stateLog.commit("Hello world!");

The StateLog interface exposes a static method for creating a standalone state log:

ClusterConfig cluster = new ClusterConfig()
  .withProtocol(new NettyTcpProtocol())
  .withMembers("tcp://123.456.789.0:5000", "tcp://123.456.789.1:5000", "tcp://123.456.789.2:5000");

StateLogConfig config = new StateLogConfig()
  .withLog(new FileLog()

StateLog<String> stateLog = StateLog.create("my-state-log", cluster, config);

When a standalone state log is created via the StateLog.create static factory method, a ClusterCoordinator is created and will be automatically shut down once close is called on the created StateLog.

The generic type - T - is the log entry type.

State log configuration

Since state logs are designed to assist in managing state - including for Copycat's state machines and data structures - it is strongly recommended that the state logs use persistent logs such as the FileLog and configure the log to frequently flush the log to disk.

StateLogConfig config = new StateLogConfig()
  .withFileLog(new FileLog()
    .withSegmentSize(1024 * 1024 * 32));

The state log implementation uses the segment size to determine when to take snapshots. Once the log grows beyond a single segment, the state log will take a snapshot and remove all but the first segment in the log. In order to prevent performance issues from snapshotting too frequently, segments should not be made too small.

Alternatively, state log configurations can be defined by Typesafe configuration files. Copycat resolves state log configurations in the following order:

  • StateLogConfig - the code based state log configuration can override all other configuration options
  • User defined configuration file - the configuration resource specified when constructing a StateLogConfig, e.g. new StateLogConfig("my-state-log")
  • state-log configuration resource - a state-log.conf, state-log.json, or file on the classpath
  • state-log-defaults.conf - the state log defaults configuration file
  • resource configuration resource - a resource.conf, resource.json, or file on the classpath
  • resource-defaults.conf - the resource defaults configuration file

To construct an event log configuration from a custom configuration file, simply specify the configuration resource name in the EventLogConfig constructor:

EventLogConfig config = new EventLogConfig("my-event-log");

State commands

State logs work to alter state by applying log entries to registered state commands. Commands are operations which alter the state machine state. When submitted to the state log, all commands (writes) go through the resource leader and are logged and replicated prior to being applied to the command function.

To register a state command, use the registerCommand method.

stateLog.registerCommand("add", entry -> data.add(entry));

State queries

As you can see above state logs separate read operations from write operations, and for good reason. Write operations require strong consistency and persistence, while read operations - which don't alter the state of the log - can be performed without persistence. To register a read operation on the state log, use the registerQuery method:

stateLog.registerQuery("get", index -> data.get(index));

Because of the flexibility of read-only operations, Copycat provides several consistency modes with which users can trade consistency for performance and vice versa.

  • STRONG - Guarantees strong consistency of all reads by performing reads through the leader which contacts a majority of nodes to verify the cluster state prior to responding to the request
  • DEFAULT - Promotes consistency using a leader lease with which the leader assumes consistency for a period of time before contacting a majority of the cluster in order to check consistency
  • WEAK - Allows stale reads from the local node

To specify the query consistency, simply pass an additional Consistency parameter to registerQuery:

stateLog.registerQuery("get", index -> data.get(index), Consistency.FULL);

Submitting operations to the state log

Once commands and queries have been registered on the log, commands and queries can be submitted to the log. To submit a named operation to the log, call the submit method.

stateLog.submit("add", "Hello world!");

The CompletableFuture returned by the submit method will be completed once the entry has been logged and replicated on a majority of the resource's active member replicas.


Up until this point, if the state log were allowed to run unencumbered for a long enough period of time, presumably your machines would run out of disk space for the log. Fortunately, the Raft algorithm has a mechanism for compacting the state log: snapshots. By registering a snapshot handler on the state log, Copycat will periodically call the handler and replace a portion of the log with the state returned by the snapshot provider. Then, in the event of a failure the snapshot installer will be called to repopulate the state from the last snapshot.

To register a snapshot provider on the state log, use the snapshotWith methods:

stateLog.snapshotWith(() -> data);

Any snapshot provider should be accompanied by a snapshot installer as well.

stateLog.installWith(data -> { = data;

Don't worry, Copycat will handle all the complexity of persisting, loading, and replicating snapshots. If you want to see what can be built on top of the Copycat state log, see Copycat's replicated state machine implementation.

Leader elections

Leader elections are perhaps the simplest feature of Copycat, but often one of the most useful as well. One of the more significant challenges faced by many distributed systems is coordinating leadership among a set of nodes. Copycat's simple Raft based leader election implementation allows users to elect a leader within a resource cluster and then use Copycat's messaging and remote execution features to react on that leader election.

Note that the leader election resource type simply wraps the resource Cluster based LeaderElection API. In reality, all Copycat resources participate in elections, and resource elections can be accessed via each respective resource's Cluster.

Creating a leader election

To create a LeaderElection via the Copycat API, add the LeaderElectionConfig to your CopycatConfig.

CopycatConfig config = new CopycatConfig()
  .addElectionConfig("election", new LeaderElectionConfig());

By default, leader elections use an in-memory log - BufferedLog. Since leader elections only use a lightweight implementation of the Raft election algorithm to elect leaders, persistent logs are unnecessary for most use cases.

Once the leader election has been defined as a cluster resource, create a new Copycat instance and get the leader election. To register a handler to be notified once a node has become leader, use the addListener method.

Copycat copycat = Copycat.create(config);
  .thenCompose(c -> c.createLeaderElection("election").open())
  .thenAccept(election -> {
    election.addListener(member -> System.out.println(member.uri() + " was elected leader!");

Alternatively, users can use the LeaderElection API as a standalone service by adding the copycat-leader-election module as a direct dependency:


The LeaderElection interface exposes a static factory method for creating standalone leader election instances:

ClusterConfig cluster = new ClusterConfig()
  .withMembers("tcp://123.456.789.0:5000", "tcp://123.456.789.1:5000", "tcp://123.456.789.2:5000");

LeaderElection.create("election", cluster).open().thenAccept(election -> {
  election.addListener(member -> {
    System.out.println(member.uri() + " was elected leader!");


In a partially academic effort, Copycat provides a variety of strongly consistent distributed data structures built on top of its state machine framework.

Each collection provides options for configuring the consistency of read operations. To configure the consistency, use the setConsistency method or withConsistency fluent method on the respective data structure configuration:

AsyncMapConfig config = new AsyncMapConfig()

Collections can either be created via the high-level Copycat API or through the respective collection constructors themselves. Each collection interface exposes a static create factory method which creates a standalone instance of the distributed collection.

To access collection factory methods directly add the copycat-collections module as a direct dependency:


To create a collection, call the static create factory method on the collection's interface, passing the collection name, cluster configuration, and optional collection configuration.

AsyncList.<String>create("my-list", cluster).open().thenAccept(list -> {
  list.add("Hello world!");


Copycat's map implementation uses a simple state machine to provide access to a consistent distributed map via state machine proxies.

To create a map via the Copycat API, use the map method:

ClusterConfig cluster = new ClusterConfig()
  .withProtocol(new NettyTcpProtocol())
  .withMembers("tcp://123.456.789.0:5000", "tcp://123.456.789.1:5000", "tcp://123.456.789.2:5000");

CopycatConfig config = new CopycatConfig()
  .addMapConfig("test-map", new AsyncMapConfig()

  .thenApply(copycat -> copycat.<String, String>createMap("test-map"))
  .thenCompose(map ->
  .thenAccept(map -> {
    map.put("foo", "Hello world!").thenRun(() -> {
      map.get("foo").thenAccept(result -> System.out.println(result));

To create a map directly, use the AsyncMap.create factory method:

ClusterConfig cluster = new ClusterConfig()
  .withProtocol(new NettyTcpProtocol())
  .withMembers("tcp://123.456.789.0:5000", "tcp://123.456.789.1:5000", "tcp://123.456.789.2:5000");

AsyncMapConfig config = new AsyncMapConfig()

AsyncMap.<String, String>create("my-map", cluster, config).open().thenAccept(map -> {
  map.put("foo", "Hello world!").thenRun(() -> {
    map.get("foo").thenAccept(result -> System.out.println(result));


Copycat's list implementation uses a simple state machine to provide access to a consistent distributed list via state machine proxies.

To create a list via the Copycat API, use the list method:

ClusterConfig cluster = new ClusterConfig()
  .withProtocol(new NettyTcpProtocol())
  .withMembers("tcp://123.456.789.0:5000", "tcp://123.456.789.1:5000", "tcp://123.456.789.2:5000");

CopycatConfig config = new CopycatConfig()
  .addListConfig("test-list", new AsyncListConfig()

  .thenApply(copycat -> copycat.<String>createList("test-list"))
  .thenCompose(list ->
  .thenAccept(list -> {
    list.add("Hello world!").thenRun(() -> {
      list.get(0).thenAccept(result -> System.out.println(result));

To create a list directly, use the AsyncList.create factory method:

ClusterConfig cluster = new ClusterConfig()
  .withProtocol(new NettyTcpProtocol())
  .withMembers("tcp://123.456.789.0:5000", "tcp://123.456.789.1:5000", "tcp://123.456.789.2:5000");

AsyncListConfig config = new AsyncListConfig()

AsyncList.<String>create("my-list", cluster, config).open().thenAccept(list -> {
  list.add("Hello world!").thenRun(() -> {
    list.get(0).thenAccept(result -> System.out.println(result));


Copycat's set implementation uses a simple state machine to provide access to a consistent distributed set via state machine proxies.

To create a set via the Copycat API, use the set method:

ClusterConfig cluster = new ClusterConfig()
  .withProtocol(new NettyTcpProtocol())
  .withMembers("tcp://123.456.789.0:5000", "tcp://123.456.789.1:5000", "tcp://123.456.789.2:5000");

CopycatConfig config = new CopycatConfig()
  .addSetConfig("test-set", new AsyncSetConfig()

  .thenApply(copycat -> copycat.<String>createSet("test-set"))
  .thenCompose(set ->
  .thenAccept(set -> {
    set.add("Hello world!").thenRun(() -> {
      set.get(0).thenAccept(result -> System.out.println(result));

To create a set directly, use the AsyncSet.create factory method:

ClusterConfig cluster = new ClusterConfig()
  .withProtocol(new NettyTcpProtocol())
  .withMembers("tcp://123.456.789.0:5000", "tcp://123.456.789.1:5000", "tcp://123.456.789.2:5000");

AsyncSetConfig config = new AsyncSetConfig()

AsyncSet.<String>create("my-set", cluster, config).open().thenAccept(set -> {
  set.add("Hello world!").thenRun(() -> {
    set.get(0).thenAccept(result -> System.out.println(result));


Copycat's multimap implementation uses a simple state machine to provide access to a consistent distributed multimap via state machine proxies.

To create a multimap via the Copycat API, use the multiMap method:

ClusterConfig cluster = new ClusterConfig()
  .withProtocol(new NettyTcpProtocol())
  .withMembers("tcp://123.456.789.0:5000", "tcp://123.456.789.1:5000", "tcp://123.456.789.2:5000");

CopycatConfig config = new CopycatConfig()
  .addMultiMapConfig("test-multimap", new AsyncMultiMapConfig()

  .thenApply(copycat -> copycat.<String, String>createMultiMap("test-multimap"))
  .thenCompose(multiMap ->
  .thenAccept(multiMap -> {
    multiMap.put("foo", "Hello world!").thenRun(() -> {
      multiMap.get("foo").thenAccept(result -> System.out.println(result));

To create a multimap directly, use the AsyncMultiMap.create factory method:

ClusterConfig cluster = new ClusterConfig()
  .withProtocol(new NettyTcpProtocol())
  .withMembers("tcp://123.456.789.0:5000", "tcp://123.456.789.1:5000", "tcp://123.456.789.2:5000");

AsyncMultiMapConfig config = new AsyncMultiMapConfig()

AsyncMultiMap.<String, String>create("my-map", cluster, config).open().thenAccept(multiMap -> {
  multiMap.put("foo", "Hello world!").thenRun(() -> {
    multiMap.get("foo").thenAccept(result -> System.out.println(result));

The Copycat cluster

The Copycat cluster is designed not only to support leader election and replication for Copycat and its resources, but it also serves as a general messaging utility for users as well. At the center of Copycat's cluster is the cluster coordinator. The coordinator is responsible for managing communication and resources throughout the cluster. Each Copycat or standalone log instance contains a single ClusterCoordinator through which all resources communicate. Resource clusters wrap the central cluster coordinator to provide resource-specific leader election and messaging. This allows Copycat to support multiple contexts within the same cluster.


The Copycat cluster consists of two different types of members, active and passive. Copycat's resource behavior differs on each member of the cluster according to the member type. Additionally, each Copycat instance maintains several versions of the cluster configuration - one global version and a cluster for each resource. This allows for a flexible replication model where different resources within the same Copycat cluster operate completely independently from each other in terms of leader election and log replication.

Active members

The core of the Copycat cluster consists of a set of active members. Active members are required, permanent, voting members of the Copycat cluster. Active members are defined for each Copycat instance prior to startup:

ClusterConfig cluster = new ClusterConfig()
  .withProtocol(new NettyTcpProtocol())
  .withMembers("tcp://123.456.789.0:5000", "tcp://123.456.789.1:5000", "tcp://123.456.789.2:5000");

CopycatConfig config = new CopycatConfig()

Copycat copycat = Copycat.create(config);

By creating a Copycat instance with a local URI that is defined as an active member in the cluster configuration, Copycat knows that this is an active member of the cluster:

assert copycat.cluster().member().type() == Member.Type.ACTIVE;

It is important that all members of the Copycat cluster contain identical cluster configurations. Note that this cluster configuration identifies only the core active members of the Copycat cluster, and each cluster configuration must specify at least one active cluster member. Members that are not represented in the cluster configuration are known as passive members.

Active members are distinguished from passive members in that they fully participate in log replication via the Raft consensus protocol. This means that only active cluster members can become leaders, and only active members can serve as synchronous replicas to cluster resources.

Since each Copycat resource contains its own separate Cluster, Copycat allows the resource's active membership to differ from the global Copycat cluster membership. This means that even though the Copycat cluster may consist of five total nodes with three active member nodes, a resource can perform synchronous replication on only three of those nodes. In that case, the resource's Raft algorithm would run on those three nodes, and an asynchronous gossip protocol would perform replication to the remainder of the resource's cluster.

Passive members

Passive members are members of the Copycat cluster that do not participate in synchronous replication via the Raft consensus protocol. Instead, Copycat uses a simple gossip protocol to asynchronously replicate committed log entries to passive members of the cluster.

Members are defined as nodes which are not represented in the Copycat cluster configuration. Thus, starting a Copycat instance or any resource with a local member URI that is not contained within the provided ClusterConfig indicates that the member is passive and should thus receive replicated logs passively:

ClusterConfig cluster = new ClusterConfig()
  .withProtocol(new NettyTcpProtocol())
  .withMembers("tcp://123.456.789.0:5000", "tcp://123.456.789.1:5000", "tcp://123.456.789.2:5000");

CopycatConfig config = new CopycatConfig()

Copycat copycat = Copycat.create(config);

By simply defining a local URI that is not defined as an active member of the Copycat cluster, the Copycat instance becomes a passive member of the cluster:

assert copycat.cluster().member().type() == Member.Type.PASSIVE;

See below for more information on eventual consistency and Copycat's gossip protocol.

Member states

Throughout the lifecycle of a Copycat cluster, passive members can join and leave the cluster at will. In the case of passive members, Copycat does not distinguish between a member leaving the cluster and a member crashing. From the perspective of any given member in the cluster, each other member of the cluster can be in one of three states at any given time. These three states are defined by the Member.State enum:

  • ALIVE - The member is alive and available for messaging and replication
  • SUSPICIOUS - The member is unreachable and may have crashed or left the cluster voluntarily
  • DEAD - The member is no longer part of the cluster

Just as cluster membership can differ across resources, so too can individual member states. Each member within a resource cluster is guaranteed to also be present in the global Copycat cluster, but members in the Copycat cluster may not be present in each resource cluster. This is because some passive members of the Copycat cluster may not have opened all resources, and some resources may simply not be assigned to some active members of the cluster. Only once a resource is opened on a passive member of the cluster will it join the resource's cluster and participate in asynchronous replication via the gossip protocol.

Leader election

Leader election within the Copycat cluster is performed on a global and per-resource basis. Each Copycat cluster - including the global cluster and per-resource clusters - maintains separate leader election state. Copycat provides a simple API for listening for election events throughout the Copycat cluster.

To register an election listener for the entire Copycat cluster, use the Copycat instance's Cluster:

copycat.cluster().election().addListener(result -> {
  System.out.println(result.winner() + " elected leader!");

Additionally, each resource contains the same method for accessing the resource specific cluster's election:

copycat.stateMachine("my-state-machine").open().thenAccept(stateMachine -> {
  stateMachine.cluster().election().addListener(result -> {
    System.out.println(result.winner() + " elected leader!");

Direct messaging

Copycat uses a simple messaging framework to communicate between nodes in order to perform coordination, leader election, and replication, and that framework is exposed to the user for each resource as well. Copycat's messaging framework uses topics to route messages to specific message handlers on any given node.

To register a handler to receive messages for a topic, call the registerHandler method on the LocalMember instance.

copycat.stateMachine("my-state-machine").open().thenAccept(stateMachine -> {
  stateMachine.cluster().member().registerHandler(message -> {
    return CompletableFuture.completedFuture("world!");

Cluster message handlers must return a CompletableFuture. If the message is handled synchronously, simply return an immediately completed future as demonstrated above. Otherwise, asynchronous calls to Copycat resources can be made within the message handler without blocking the Copycat event loop.

To send a message to another member in the cluster, call the send method on any Member instance.

copycat.stateMachine("my-state-machine").open().thenAccept(stateMachine -> {
  stateMachine.cluster().members().forEach(member -> {
    member.send("Hello").thenAccept(reply -> {
      System.out.println("Hello " + reply); // Hello world!

Broadcast messaging

Copycat also allows the exposed Cluster to be used to broadcast messages to all members of the cluster. Note that Copycat's broadcast functionality is not guaranteed, and Copycat makes no promises about either the order in which messages will be delivered or even whether they'll be delivered at all.

Cluster-wide broadcast messages work similarly to direct messages in that they are topic based. To register a broadcast message listener call addBroadcastListener on any Cluster instance:

copycat.cluster().addBroadcastListener(message -> {
  System.out.println("Got message " + message);

To broadcast a message to all members of a cluster use the broadcast method on the Cluster instance:

copycat.cluster().broadcast("Hello world!");

Note that broadcasts apply only to the membership for the cluster on which the message was broadcast. In other words, broadcast messages will only be sent to ALIVE members of the cluster through which the message was sent. If you want to broadcast a message to all of the members of the Copycat cluster, use the global Cluster which can be retrieved through the Copycat instance.

Remote execution

In addition to sending messages to other members of the cluster, Copycat also supports execution of arbitrary tasks on remote nodes. For example, this is particularly useful for executing code on a resource's leader node once a leader has been elected.

Task<String> sayHello = () -> "Hello world!";

copycat.stateMachine("my-state-machine").open().thenAccept(stateMachine -> {
  stateMachine.cluster().election().addListener(result -> {
    result.winner().submit(sayHello).thenAccept(result -> {
      System.out.println(result); // Hello world!


Copycat's communication system provides a pluggable framework that allows the underlying message transport to be configured based on the environment in which Copycat is deployed. Copycat uses the cluster protocol to perform all messaging around the cluster, including for leader elections, replication, and other communication. It is essential that all members of the cluster configure the same protocol, otherwise communication will fail and the cluster will be deadlocked. Copycat provides a number of existing protocol implementations for various asynchronous frameworks.

The local protocol

The local protocol is a special protocol that is implemented purely for testing purposes. It supports passing messages across threads via a ConcurrentHashMap member registry.

The local protocol is part of copycat-core and thus can be simply added to any ClusterConfig within the need for dependencies:

ClusterConfig cluster = new ClusterConfig()
  .withProtocol(new LocalProtocol());

Netty protocol

The Netty protocol is a fast Netty based TCP protocol. To add the Netty protocol to your Maven project, add the copycat-netty module to your pom.xml:


Then add the netty TCP protocol to your Copycat cluster configuration:

ClusterConfig cluster = new ClusterConfig()
  .withProtocol(new NettyTcpProtocol());

Vert.x protocol

The Vert.x protocol module provides several protocol implementations for Vert.x 2, including:

  • VertxEventBusProtocol
  • VertxTcpProtocol
  • VertxHttpProtocol

The Vert.x 2 protocol module provides an event bus protocol implementation for Vert.x. To add the Vert.x 2 protocol to your Maven project, add the copycat-vertx module to your pom.xml:


Then add the Vert.x 2 event bus protocol to your Copycat cluster configuration:

ClusterConfig cluster = new ClusterConfig()
  .withProtocol(new VertxEventBusProtocol("localhost", 1234));

You can also pass a Vertx instance in to the protocol:

ClusterConfig cluster = new ClusterConfig()
  .withProtocol(new VertxEventBusProtocol(vertx));

The Vert.x module also provides a VertxEventLoopExecutor which executes resource callbacks on the Vert.x event loop. To ensure callbacks are executed on the Vert.x event loop context, add the VertxEventLoopExecutor to the resource configuration:

EventLogConfig config = new EventLogConfig()
  .withLog(new FileLog()
    .withRetentionPolicy(new TimeBasedRetentionPolicy(1, TimeUnit.HOURS)))
  .withExecutor(new VertxEventLoopExecutor(vertx));

To configure the executor for the global Copycat cluster and instance, add an Executor to the CopycatConfig:

CopycatConfig config = new CopycatConfig()
  .withExecutor(new VertxEventLoopExecutor(vertx));

Vert.x 3 protocol

The Vert.x 3 protocol module provides an event bus protocol implementation for Vert.x 3. To add the Vert.x 3 protocol to your Maven project, add the copycat-vertx3 module to your pom.xml:


Then add the Vert.x 3 event bus protocol to your Copycat cluster configuration:

ClusterConfig cluster = new ClusterConfig()
  .withProtocol(new VertxEventBusProtocol("localhost", 1234));

You can also pass a Vertx instance in to the protocol:

ClusterConfig cluster = new ClusterConfig()
  .withProtocol(new VertxEventBusProtocol(vertx));

The Vert.x 3 module also provides a VertxEventLoopExecutor which executes resource callbacks on the Vert.x event loop. To ensure callbacks are executed on the Vert.x event loop context, add the VertxEventLoopExecutor to the resource configuration:

EventLogConfig config = new EventLogConfig()
  .withLog(new FileLog()
    .withRetentionPolicy(new TimeBasedRetentionPolicy(1, TimeUnit.HOURS)))
  .withExecutor(new VertxEventLoopExecutor(vertx));

To configure the executor for the global Copycat cluster and instance, add an Executor to the CopycatConfig:

CopycatConfig config = new CopycatConfig()
  .withExecutor(new VertxEventLoopExecutor(vertx));


Much of the preceding documentation has revolved around the features of Copycat and how to use them. However, many users and potential contributors may want to get a better understanding of how Copycat works. This section will detail precisely how Copycat performs tasks like leader election and log replication via the Raft consensus protocol and dynamic membership and failure detection via gossip.


Logs are the center of the universe in the Copycat world. The global Copycat cluster and each of the resources contained within it are all ultimately built on a consistent, Raft replicated log. Because logs are such a central component to Copycat, much development effort has gone into the design and implementation of each of Copycat's logs.

Copycat's logs are designed with three features in mind:

  • Fast writes
  • Fast reads
  • Fast compaction

In order to support these three vital functions, Copycat's logs are broken into segments. Each log may consist of several segments of a configurable size, and each segment typically has a related index. The index is a simple list of 8-bit pairs of integers indicating the entry index and position within a given segment. This allows Copycat to quickly locate and read entries from the log.

Additionally, each log implementation supports log compaction on an arbitrary index.

Strong consistency and Copycat's Raft consensus protocol

Copycat uses a unique, extensible implementation of the Raft distributed consensus algorithm to provide strong consistency guarantees for resource management, leader elections, and the log replication which underlies all of Copycat's resources.

Raft is the simpler implementation of only a few provable algorithms for achieving consensus in a distributed system (the other more common implementation is Paxos). Designed for understandability, Raft uses a mixture of RPCs and timeouts to orchestrate leader election and replication of a distributed log. In terms of the CAP theorem, Raft - and by extension - Copycat is a CP system, meaning in the face of a partition, Raft and Copycat favor consistency over availability. This makes Raft a perfect fit for storing small amounts of mission critical state.

Leader election

In Raft, all writes are required to go through a cluster leader. Because Raft is designed to tolerate failures, this means the algorithm must be designed to elect a leader when an existing leader's node crashes.

In Copycat, since each resource maintains its own replicated log, leader elections are performed among the active member replicas for each resource in the cluster. This means at any given point in time, leaders for various resources could reside on different members of the cluster. However, passive members cannot be elected leader as they do not participate in the Raft consensus algorithm. For instance, in a cluster with three active members and ten passive members, the leader for an event log could be active member A, while a state machine's leader could be active member C, but neither resource's leader could be any passive member of the cluster. Copycat's Cluster and its related Raft implementation are designed to act completely independently of other Cluster and Raft instances within the same Copycat instance.

In order to ensure consistency, leader election in Copycat is performed largely by comparing the logs of different members of the cluster. When a member of the Copycat cluster stops receiving heartbeats from the cluster's leader, the member transitions into the CANDIDATE state and begins a new election. Elections consist of sending a PollRequest to each member of the cluster requesting a vote. Upon receiving a poll request, each member will compare information about the candidate's log with its own log and either accept or reject the candidate's request based on that information. If the candidate's log as as up-to-date or more recent than the polled member's log, the polled member will accept the vote request. Otherwise, the polled member will reject the vote request. Once the candidate has received successful votes from a majority of the cluster (including itself) it transitions to LEADER and begins accepting requests and replicating the resource log.

Note that since Raft requires a leader to perform writes, during the leader election period the resource will be unavailable. However, the period of time between a node crashing and a new leader being elected is typically very small - on the order of milliseconds or seconds.

The consistency checks present in the Raft consensus algorithm ensure that the member with the most up-to-date log in the cluster will be elected leader. In other words, through various restrictions on how logs are replicated and how leaders are elected, Raft guarantees that no member with an out of date log will be elected leader, ensuring that once entries are committed to the Copycat cluster, they are guaranteed to remain in the log until removed either via compaction or deletion.

Write replication

Once a leader is elected via the Raft consensus protocol, the Copycat cluster can begin accepting new entries for the log. All writes to any Copycat resource are always directed through the resource's cluster leader, and writes are replicated from the leader to followers. This allows writes to the resource log to be coordinated from a single location.

Commands - write operations - can be submitted to any member of the Copycat cluster. If a command is submitted to a member that is not the leader, the command will be forwarded to the cluster leader. When the leader receives a command, it immediately logs the entry to its local persistent log. Once the entry has been logged the leader attempts to synchronously replicate the entry to a majority of the active members of the cluster. Once a majority of the cluster has received the entry and written it to its log, the leader will apply the entry to its state machine and reply with the result.

Note that writes to a Copycat resource are not synchronously replicated to passive members. Passive members receive only successfully committed log entries via a gossip protocol.

Logging commands to a replicated log allows Copycat to recover from failures by simply replaying log entries. For instance, when a state machine resource crashes and restarts, Copycat will automatically replay all of the entries written to that state machine's log in order to rebuild the state machine state. Because all logs are built from writes to a single leader, and because Raft guarantees that entries are replicated on a majority of the servers prior to being applied to the state machine, all state machines within the Copycat cluster are guaranteed to receive commands in the same order.

Read consistency

While Raft dictates that writes to the replicated log go through the resource's leader, reads allow for slightly more flexibility depending on the specific use case. Copycat supports several read consistency modes.

In order to achieve strong consistency in any Raft cluster, though, queries - read operations - must go through the cluster leader. This is because, as with any distributed system, there is always some period of time before full consistency can be achieved. Once a leader commits a write to the replicated log and applies the entry to its state machine, it still needs to notify followers that the entry has been committed. During that period of time, querying the leader's state will result in fully consistent state, but reading state from followers will result in stale output.

Without additional measures, though, reading directly from the leader still does not guarantee consistency. Information only travels at the speed of light, after all. What if the leader being queried is no longer the leader? Raft and Copycat guard against this scenario by polling a majority of the active members of the cluster to ensure that the leader is still who he thinks he is.

This all may sound very inefficient for reads, and it is. That's why Copycat provides some options for making trade-offs. Copycat provides three different Consistency modes:

  • STRONG - Queries go through the cluster leader. When handling a query request, the leader performs a leadership consistency check by polling a majority of the cluster. If any member of the cluster known of a leader with a higher term, the member will respond to the consistency check notifying the queried leader of the new leader, and the queried leader will ultimately step down. This consistency mode guarantees strong consistency for all queries
  • DEFAULT - Queries go through the cluster leader, but the leader performs consistency checks only periodically. For most requests, this mode provides strong consistency. Because the default consistency mode uses leader lease timeouts that are less than the cluster's election timeout, only a unique set of circumstances could result in inconsistency when this mode is used. Specifically, the leader would theoretically need to be blocked due to log compaction on the most recent log segment (indicating misconfiguration) or some other long-running process while simultaneously a network partition occurs, another leader is elected, and the new leader accepts writes. That's a pretty crazy set of circumstances if you ask me :-)
  • WEAK - Queries can be performed on any member of the cluster. When a member receives a query request, if the query's consistency mode is WEAK then the query will be immediately applied to that member's state machine. This rule also applies for passive members.

While this functionality is not exposed by all resource APIs externally, Copycat allows read consistency to be specified on a per-request basis via the QueryRequest.

Log compaction

One of the most important features of Raft is log compaction. While this is a feature that is often overlooked by many Raft implementations, it is truly essential to the operation of a Raft based system in production. Over time, as commands are written to Copycat's logs, the logs continue to grow. Log compaction is used to periodically reduce the size of logs while maintaining the effective history of the logs.

Because Copycat's replicated log is designed to be agnostic about the structures built on top it, Copycat's Raft implementation is effectively unopinionated about compaction. Event logs are designed to for arbitrary time or size based compaction, while state logs and the state machines and data structures built on top of them are designed to support compaction without losing important state information.

In order to support compaction, Copycat's logs are broken into segments. Once a log segment reaches a certain size, the log creates a new segment and frees the written segment for compaction. Logs are compacted according to configurable retention policies, but no policy can affect the segment that is currently being written to. This allows historical segments to be compacted in a background thread while new segments are still being written.

For state logs, state machines, and the collections which are built on top of state machines, snapshots are used to compact logs while preserving state. When the log grows larger than a single segment, a snapshot is taken of the state machine state, serialized, placed at the beginning of the last segment, and all prior segments are permanently deleted. This is a different pattern than is used by many other systems that support snapshots.

Because of how files are written, compacting a log segment technically requires rewriting the segment with the snapshot at the beginning of the file. During this process, Copycat protects against data loss by creating a series of copies of the log. If a failure occurs during compaction, persistent logs will recover gracefully by restoring the state of the compacted segment prior to the start of compaction.

In some cases, a replica can become out of sync during the period in which the leader takes a snapshot and compacts its log. In this case, since the leader has removed the entries prior to its snapshot it can no longer replicate those entries to an out-of-sync follower. This is resolved by replicating the snapshot directly. By placing snapshots as regular entries at the beginning of the log, snapshots become part of the log and thus are automatically replicated via the Raft algorithm.

Additionally, when a resource crashes and recovers, the resource's log is replayed in order to rebuild the system's state. By placing the snapshot at the beginning of the log, the snapshot is guaranteed to be the first entry applied to the state machine.

Eventual consistency and Copycat's gossip protocol

While the active members of the Copycat cluster perform consistent replication of resources via the Raft consensus protocol, passive members receive replicated logs via a simple gossip protocol. This allows Copycat to support clusters much larger than a standard Raft cluster by making some consistency concessions.

Passive membership

Every member of the Copycat cluster participates in a simple gossip protocol that aids in cluster membership detection. When a passive member joins the Copycat cluster, it immediately begins gossiping with the configured active members of the cluster. This gossip causes the active members to add the new passive member to the cluster configuration, which they gossip with other members of the cluster, including passive members. All gossip is performed by periodically selecting three random members of the cluster with which to share membership information. The gossip protocol uses a vector clock to share membership information between nodes. When a member gossips membership information to another member, it sends member and version information for each member of the cluster. When a member receives gossiped membership information, it updates its local membership according to the version of each member in the vector clock. This helps prevent false positives due to out-of-date cluster membership information.

Log replication

Committed entries in resource logs are replicated to passive members of the cluster via the gossip protocol. Each member of the cluster - both active and passive members - participates in gossip-based log replication, periodically selecting three random members with which to gossip. A vector clock on each node is used to determine which entries to replicate to each member in the random set of members. When a member gossips with another member, it increments its local version and sends its vector clock containing last known indexes of each other member with the gossip. When a member receives gossip from another member, it updates its local vector clock with the received vector clock, appends replicated entries if the entries are consistent with its local log, increments its local version, and replies with its updated vector clock of member indexes. Tracking indexes via vector clocks helps reduce the number of duplicate entries within the gossip replication protocol.

Failure detection

Just as Copycat uses gossip for membership, so too does the global cluster and resource clusters use gossip for failure detection. The failure detection protocol is designed to reduce the risk of that false failures due to network partitions. This is done by piggybacking failure information on to the cluster membership vector shared during gossip. When an attempt to gossip with another member of the cluster fails for the first time, the state of that member in the membership vector clock is changed to SUSPICIOUS. Additionally, the URI of the member that failed to communicate with the suspicious member is added to a set of failed attempts in the membership vector clock. When a membership vector containing a suspicious member is received by another member in the cluster, that member will immediately attempt to gossip with the suspicious member. If gossip with the suspicious member fails, the member attempting the gossip will again add its URI to the set of failed attempts. Once the set of failed attempts grows to a certain size (3 by default), the member's state will be changed DEAD and the member removed from the cluster.


Fault-tolerant distributed coordination framework built on the Raft consensus protocol







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