A Clojure library designed to help trace clojure functions
Add this to your Leiningen project.clj :dependencies
[clj-new-relic "1.2.0"]
[com.newrelic.agent.java/newrelic-api "3.38.0"]
Jar is available in Clojars.
Just replace your defn with nr/defn
, after requiring [clj-new-relic.core :as nr]
(clj-new-relic.core/defn-traced foobar [x]
(prn x))
You can also pass in any options the tracer accepts, such as
^{:newrelic {:metricName "Clojure/my.namespace/foobar"}} foobar [x]
(prn x))
You can also annotate a private method with defn-traced-
You can also use notice-error
and add-custom-parameters
for obvious purposes.
You need to explicitly pass the option dispatcher: true
on the entry point, for it to be picked as a non-web transaction by New Relic.
^{:newrelic {:dispatcher true} foobar [x]
(prn x))
The ring handler is used as follows
(defn- error-handler [request ^Throwable err]
{:status 500
:body (str "Something went wrong " (.getMessage err))})
(-> handler
(clj-new-relic.ring/wrap-newrelic error-handler))
This library automatically checks for the newrelic classes at runtime. Hense, you may add new relic via the agent, and not include the dependency above
Compared to other libraries doing similar things, here are the reasons this library exists
- Completely dependency free, including on new relic. If newrelic is not loaded at macro-eval time, we juts print out a warning, and continue.
- Support all newrelic options including
{:dispatcher true}
to start transactions
- Functions with docstrings will not work (this will be fixed in a future edition). However, the workaround is as follows
(defn foobar "Something great" [x] x) ; => (defn-traced ^{:doc "Something great"} foobar [x] x)
- If you are building an uberjar, and newrelic is not present when building the uberjar (and macros are evaluated), then newrelic will not work. This also may get fixed in a future edition
Copyright © 2017 FIXME
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.