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A simple, fast, and powerful library for algorithmic trading in Go, with no dependencies.

Table of Contents


  • Zero external dependencies
  • Event-driven architecture
  • Built-in strategy implementations
  • Backtesting engine with market and limit orders support
  • Portfolio management tools
  • Exchange simulation for testing
  • Support for both spot and margin trading
  • Customizable commission rates
  • Performance metrics calculation (Sharpe ratio, CARA utility)


go get

Quick Start

package main

import (

func main() {
    // Create a portfolio with initial USD balance
    currency := data.NewCurrency("USD", "BINANCE")
    portfolio := common.NewPortfolio(currency)
    portfolio.Set(currency, 10000)

    // Initialize exchange simulator with 0.1% commission
    simulator := exchange.NewMarginSimulator(portfolio, 0.001)
    // Create backtester
    tester := backtest.NewBacktester(&simulator)
    // Run your strategy
    equity, err := tester.Backtest(charts, strategy)
    if err != nil {


Bollinger Bands Strategy

The Bollinger Bands strategy is a popular technical analysis tool that uses standard deviations to determine overbought or oversold conditions.

package main

import (

func main() {
    // Create BTC/USD instrument with 15-minute timeframe
    btcUsd := data.NewSymbol("BTC", "USD", "BINANCE")
    timeframe, _ := data.NewTimeFrame(time.Minute*15, "15m")
    instrument := data.NewInstrument(*btcUsd, *timeframe)
    // Initialize Bollinger Bands strategy
    // Parameters: period=30 days, deviation=2
    strategy := NewBBStrategy(60*24*30, 2, instrument)
    // Run backtest
    equity, err := tester.Backtest(charts, &strategy)
    if err != nil {

Grid Trading Bot

Grid trading is a strategy that places multiple orders at regular intervals above and below a set price, aiming to profit from market oscillations.

package main

import (

func main() {
    // Create auto grid generator
    // Parameters: lookback=100 candles, levels=10, deviation=1.5, total_amount=0.5 (in base currency)
    generator := NewAutoGrid(100, 10, 1.5, 0.5)
    // Initialize grid bot
    bot := toolkit.NewGridBot(generator, instrument)
    // Run backtest
    equity, err := tester.Backtest(charts, bot)
    if err != nil {

Custom Strategy

You can create your own strategy by implementing the Tradable interface:

type Tradable interface {
    Start(charts data.ChartContainer) error
    Next(candle data.InstrumentCandle) (events.Event, error)
    MinDurations() Durations

Example of a simple moving average crossover strategy:

type MACrossStrategy struct {
    instrument data.Instrument
    shortPeriod int
    longPeriod int
    shortMA []float64
    longMA []float64

func (m *MACrossStrategy) Next(candle data.InstrumentCandle) (events.Event, error) {
    // Strategy logic here
    return event, nil


Xoney provides a powerful backtesting engine that supports:

  • Market and limit orders
  • Custom commission rates
  • Portfolio tracking
  • Performance metrics
func runBacktest() {
    // Initialize simulator with 0.1% commission
    simulator := exchange.NewMarginSimulator(portfolio, 0.001)
    tester := backtest.NewBacktester(&simulator)
    // Run backtest
    equity, err := tester.Backtest(charts, strategy)
    if err != nil {
    // Access performance metrics
    history := equity.Deposit()
    balanceHistory := equity.PortfolioHistory()

Portfolio Management

Xoney includes tools for portfolio management and rebalancing. All weights and orders are specified in base currency:

// Create a rebalancing strategy with weights in base currency
weights := map[data.Currency]float64{
    btc:  0.4,  // 0.4 BTC
    eth:  0.3,  // 0.3 ETH
    usdt: 0.3,  // 0.3 USDT

rebalancer := toolkit.NewRebalancePortfolio(weights)

Exchange Simulation

Test your strategies with the built-in exchange simulator:

// Create simulator with 0.1% commission
simulator := exchange.NewMarginSimulator(portfolio, 0.001)

// Place market order
order, _ := exchange.NewOrder(
err := simulator.PlaceOrder(order)

The simulator supports:

  • Market and limit orders
  • Spot and margin trading
  • Custom commission rates
  • Portfolio tracking
  • Price feeds

For more examples and detailed documentation, visit our documentation.


Warning: The toolkit package is currently in experimental stage and should be used with extreme caution. The functionality may be unstable and contain bugs.

Grid Trading Bot

Grid trading is a strategy that places multiple orders at regular intervals above and below a set price, aiming to profit from market oscillations.

package main

import (

func main() {
    // Create auto grid generator
    // Parameters: lookback=100 candles, levels=10, deviation=1.5, total_amount=0.5 (in base currency)
    generator := NewAutoGrid(100, 10, 1.5, 0.5)
    // Initialize grid bot
    bot := toolkit.NewGridBot(generator, instrument)
    // Run backtest
    equity, err := tester.Backtest(charts, bot)
    if err != nil {

Portfolio Management

Xoney includes tools for portfolio management and rebalancing. All weights and orders are specified in base currency:

// Create a rebalancing strategy with weights in base currency
weights := map[data.Currency]float64{
    btc:  0.4,  // 0.4 BTC
    eth:  0.3,  // 0.3 ETH
    usdt: 0.3,  // 0.3 USDT

rebalancer := toolkit.NewRebalancePortfolio(weights)

Custom Events

You can create custom events by implementing the Event interface:

type CustomEvent struct {
    timestamp time.Time
    data      interface{}

func (e *CustomEvent) Occur(connector exchange.Connector) error {
    // Implement your event logic here
    return nil

// Create sequential events (executed one after another)
sequential := events.NewSequential(event1, event2, event3)

// Create parallel events (executed simultaneously)
parallel := events.NewParallel(event1, event2, event3)

Example of a custom order event:

type OrderEvent struct {
    order exchange.Order

func (e *OrderEvent) Occur(connector exchange.Connector) error {
    return connector.PlaceOrder(e.order)

// Create and use the event
order, _ := exchange.NewOrder(
    price,  // price in base currency
    amount,  // amount in base currency
event := &OrderEvent{order: order}


Algorithmic trading in Go






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