A separate thread logger and writter to log file for c++ projects
how to include this library int your project :
1 : Download the latest Release from Github
2 : copy and paste the whole code into YOUR_LIBS_FOLDER
3 : Add these lines into your CMakeLists.txt
set(ALL_INCLUDE_DIR "${LIBRAIRIES_DIR}/ThreadedLoggerForCPP-VersionX.X/include")
target_include_directories(${PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC ${ALL_INCLUDE_DIR})
4 : See main.cpp in src/ to see code example to how to use in .cpp files
5 : Make a global for the LoggerInstance that will be used in these calls by example : LoggerGlobals::YourGlobalLoggerInstance.ExitLoggerThread(); LoggerGlobals::YourGlobalLoggerInstance.logMessageAsync etc.... (see CreateGlobalsLoggerInstanceExample.h ,CreateGlobalsLoggerInstanceExample.cpp and main.cpp in src/) or use the GetLoggerThread if you don't want to use Global.
6 : now it should be okay to use the threaded logger