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Neural Machine Translation of User-Generated Content

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Robustness benchmark of Machine Translation methods

This repository contains scripts to perform Neural Machine Translation (NMT) experiments.

NMT models can be trained and evaluated on

  • Europarl (v7)
  • OpenSubtitles (v2018)
  • News-Commentary
  • MTNT
  • Foursquare

and evaluated (but not trained) on

  • PFSMB (aka Cr#pbank).

OAR scripts are also available in the oar branch.

General settings and depencies

Python 3.6 with packages

  • sacrebleu 1.14.4
  • sentencepiece 0.1.91
  • fastText
  • nltk 3.5
  • pandas 1.1.5 (only required by statitics/)

Environment variables

export MOSES_SCRIPTS=$HOME/marian-dev/examples/tools/moses-scripts/scripts
export TOOLS=$HOME/robust_bench/tools
export DATA=/data/almanach/user/$(whoami)

or in a conda environement (see documentation)

conda activate nmt
conda env config vars set MOSES_SCRIPTS=$HOME/marian-dev/examples/tools/moses-scripts/scripts
conda env config vars set TOOLS=$HOME/robust_bench/tools
conda env config vars set DATA=/data/almanach/user/$(whoami)

conda activate nmt

The copora are expected to be located in $DATA/.


marian-dev (commit 467b15e)

export MARIAN=$HOME/marian-dev/build
  • gcc 7.3.0
  • CUDA 9.2


Commit c8a0659

  • Pytorch 1.5.0
  • fairseq (commit c8a0659)
  • CUDA 11.0
  • CUDNN 8.0
  • cmake 3.10.1

Example usage

From src/ directory:

./ \
    -src $src -tgt $tgt \
    --framework fairseq \
    --dataset MTNT \
    -sseg char \
    --nwordssrc 128 \
    -tseg bpe \
    -nwordstgt 16000 \
    -arch convtransformer \
    --model $DATA/models.fairseq/ \
    --gpus "0" \
    --output-dir $DATA/translations/


  • -f or --framework: marian or fairseq
  • -arch or --architecture: transformer, convtransformer
  • -s or --source: en, fr
  • -t or --target: en, fr
  • -sseg or --src_segmentation: char, bpe
  • -tseg or --tgt_segmentation: char, bpe
  • --joint-dictionary: Uses the same dictionary for source and target.
  • -nws or --nwordssrc: Size of the source side vocabulary (ignored if src_segmentation is char).
  • -nwt or --nwordstgt: Size of the target side vocabulary (ignored if joint-vocabulary or if tgt_segmentation is char).
  • -d or --dataset: MTNT, News-Commentary, Europarl, Europarl_small, OpenSubtitles, OpenSubtitles_small, Crapbank, Foursquare
  • --no-shuffle: uses unshuffled MTNT training data (MTNT only).
  • -r or --ratio: uses a subsampled training data (MTNT only)
  • -m or --model: model path
  • -ckpt or --checkpoint: checkpoint to use (default:
  • -btm or --back-translation-model
  • -o or --output-dir: path of the output translations of the development set
  • -vo or --val-output-dir: path of the output translations at each validation step
  • --gpus: gpus to use (only for marian, fairseq uses everything by default)

Logging can be used for logging experiments.

From src/ directory:

guild run -y --label $label \
    src=$src tgt=$tgt \
    framework=fairseq \
    dataset=MTNT \
    sseg=char \
    nwordssrc=128 \
    tseg=bpe \
    nwordstgt=16000 \
    arch=transformer \
    jointdict="" \
    model=$DATA/models.fairseq/ \
    gpus="0" \

About the implementation

Code structure

Experiments logic is handled by src/run_experiments, successively

  1. Parsing the command line with the function parse_cli from tools/,
  2. Preprocessing the dataset used in the experiment (if the corpus has not already been preprocessed in a previous expriment) by calling the relevant preprocessing/ script,
  3. Perfoming data augmentation (augmentation have not all been implemented),
  4. Training a model (if not already trained, i.e. if does not exist in the model checkpoints directory) by calling the trainfunction from src/scripts_$framework/,
  5. Translating the dataset source development side by calling the translate_dev function from src/scripts_$framework/
  6. Computing the BLEU score on the development set with sacrebleu

Some remarks

  • tools/spm/ can be replaced with spm if sentencepiece was installed from source,
  • Reusing the sentencepiece vocabulary when using marian was not tested and may require to adapt the code.
  • Simultaneous preprocessing of a single data may cause failures. As a dataset only has to be preprocessed once, do not launch batch of experiments on a dataset before the preprocessing of these dataset has been completed during a previous experiment.