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QLRI (Qubic Lite Reference Implementation)

This runnable program provides a user-interface to perform basic interactions with the Qubic Lite protocol. Create qubics, run oracles, read quorum based results etc.

Downloading the Precompiled Jar File (Simple Installation)

Simply download the newest .jar file from the releases and put it into your favorite folder/directory. After that you can simply run the jar to start your ql-node.

Build from Source Code via Maven (Advanced Installation)

1) Requirements

You will need the JDK and Maven. A guide on how to do that on Windows or Ubuntu can be found in this section.

2) Installing the Dependencies

In the following sections we will use git to clone the repositories. But you can also download them manually or via wget.

IOTA Library

cd /path/to/your/favourite/directory/
git clone
mvn install

Qlite Library

cd /path/to/your/favourite/directory/
git clone
mvn versions:use-latest-versions -DallowSnapshots=true -DexcludeReactor=false
mvn install

3) Installing the QLRI

cd /path/to/your/favourite/directory/
git clone
cd qlri/
mvn versions:use-latest-versions -DallowSnapshots=true -DexcludeReactor=false
mvn install

If everything went successfully, you should now find a runnable jar file called qlri-[VERSION].jar in the qlri/ directory.

Build and run with docker

Build a docker image with "qubiclite/qlri:latest" tag

docker build -t qubiclite/qlri:latest .  

Run the docker image

docker run -it -p 17733:17733  qubiclite/qlri

Open http://localhost:17733/index.html in your browser.

Running The Jar File

Default Start

To run the jar file use this command (you will need the JRE or JDK):

java -jar qlri-[VERSION].jar

To make things much more intuitive, it is highly suggest to start the .jar with the -api parameter:

java -jar qlri-[VERSION].jar -api

This will start Qlite Web (a web gui, see screenshots) that you can access in your browser by visiting http://[YOUR IP]:17733/index.html. Additionally you can use -u username:password to protect your API from unauthorized access:

java -jar qlri-[VERSION].jar -api -u user:pass


You can pass certain paramters with that line

parameter alias example default value¹ what it does
-api -api disabled enables the api and web gui (address will be shown in your terminal)
-port -p -port 17733 17733 sets the port of the api (requires api to be enabled)
-host -h -host localhost your ip sets a custom host for your api instead of the ip (make sure that the host is available!)
-user -u -u tom:hunter2 no user adds a user account to the API (public access if no account set)
-mainnet -mn -mainnet testnet required when you want to connect through mainnet nodes to the mainnet tangle instead of testnet
-node -n -n IF testnet² changes the iota node that is used to connect to the tangle
-remotepow -rp -remotepow disabled outsources the proof-of-work from your qlri to the remote iota node (requires that node to have remote pow activated)

¹ … default value if you do not pass the respective parameter to your jar file. ² …

Using the QLRI

Creating a new Qubic:

This will create a new qubic starting in 180 seconds. Write the ql code into a seperate file. The path can either be relative to the .jar file (as in the example) or absolute. Type ? qc if you want to find out what the other parameters mean.

$ qc 180 30 30 10 ../my_qubic.ql

Now go tell your friends about your awesome qubic, so they can create a new oracle to process it. Make sure to tell them your qubic's ID. Assuming is is "OCLL…", your friends can now create a new oracle just for your qubic:


The assembly period is about to end so you want to publish your assembly transaction. To do this, you can first check which oracles have applied to your qubic:

$ qla OCL

After that, you can select a few and individually add them to the assembly like this:


After you have added all, you can finally publish the assembly transaction to complete your qubic:

$ qa OCL

NOTE: The assembly transaction has to be published before the 180 seconds you set with qc are over (otherwise the oracles will abort your qubic)!


For specific information to a command (parameter details + example use), use help [command].

command alias what it does
help ? Helps the user by listing all available commands and providing details to any specific command.
node_info ni Gives details about this ql-node.
change_node cn Changes the IOTA full node used to interact with the tangle.
fetch_epoch fe Determines the quorum based result (consensus) of a qubic's epoch.
export ex Transforms an entity (iam stream, qubic or oracle) into a string that can be imported again.
import im Imports a once exported entity (iam stream, qubic or oracle) encoded by a string.
qubic_read qr Reads the specification of any qubic, thus allows the user to analyze that qubic.
qubic_list ql Lists all qubics stored in the persistence.
qubic_create qc Creates a new qubic and stores it in the persistence. life cycle will not be automized: do the assembly transaction manually.
qubic_delete qd Removes a qubic from the persistence (private key will be deleted: cannot be undone).
qubic_list_applications qla Lists all incoming oracle applications for a specific qubic, response can be used for 'qubic_assembly_add'.
qubic_assembly_add qaa Adds an oracle to the assembly as preparation for 'qubic_assemble'.
qubic_assemble qa Publishes the assembly transaction for a specific qubic.
qubic_test qt Runs QL code locally (instead of over the tangle) to allow the author to quickly test whether it works as intended. Limited Functionality (e.g. no qubic_fetch).
qubic_quick_run qqr Runs a minimalistic qubic, automates the full qubic life cycle to allow the author to quickly test whether the code works as intended. Only one oracle will be added to the assembly.
qubic_consensus qco Determines the quorum based consensus of a qubic's oracle assembly at any IAM index.
oracle_create oc Creates a new oracle and stores it in the persistence. Life cycle will run automically, no more actions required from here on.
oracle_delete od Removes an oracle from the persistence (private key will be deleted, cannot be undone).
oracle_list ol Lists all oracles stored in the persistence
oracle_pause op Temporarily stops an oracle from processing its qubic after the epoch finishes. Can be undone with 'oracle_restart'.
oracle_restart or Restarts an oracle that was paused with 'oracle_pause', makes it process its qubic again.
iam_create ic Creates a new IAM stream and stores it locally in the persistence.
iam_delete id Removes an IAM stream from the persistence (private key will be deleted, cannot be undone).
iam_list il List all IAM streams stored in the persistence.
iam_write iw Writes a message into the iam stream at an index position.
iam_read ir Reads the message of an IAM stream at a certain index.
app_list al Lists all apps installed.
app_install ai Installs an app from an external source.
app_uninstall au Uninstalls an app.


Qlite Web, gui for your browser

Qlite Web supports qApps

running the QLRI from terminal

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