This project consist of an application on MS Visual Studio (C/C++) combining the maxon motor control through EPOS and motion sensing data from Xsens MTw Awinda Kit to develop and apply the acceleration-based transparency control [1] on the wearable robot ExoTau, designed by the Robotic Rehabilitation Laboratory (São Carlos School of Engineering).
This solution has been developed on VS Express 2012. Follow the steps below to configure the VS solution in order to run the program:
- Add the 'Win32/include' folder from Xsens SDK installation to "Additional Include Directories" in the solution (Configuration Properties > C/C++ > General);
- Repeat the previous step for the Eigen library (submodule here);
- Add the 'Win32/lib' folder from Xsens SDK to "Additional Library Directories" (Configuration Properties > Linker > General);
- Repeat the previous step adding '$(NIEXTCCOMPILERSUPP)\lib32\msvc' to "Additional Library Directories";
- Copy the '.lib' files on Xsens SDK 'Win32/lib' to the Debug folder, or wherever the executable is after build the solution in VS. It is required to run the program.
- Guilherme Fernandes
- Wilian M. dos Santos
- Juan Carlos Perez Ibarra
- Félix Maurício Escalante
- Jose Yecid
- Ícaro Ostan
- Jonathan C. Jaimes
- Adriano A. G. Siqueira
- Thiago Boaventura
// Leonardo Felipe Lima Santos dos Santos /\ ////\/
// [email protected] _____ ___ ___ //|
// github/bitbucket qleonardolp / | | | . \/ \ /|
// *Copyright 2021-2026* \//// // | | \ \ |_| /|
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