Util toolset to produce single-file TS and Flow libdefs
Node.js >= 16
yarn add @qiwi/libdefkit -D
Insert script to package.json
"scripts": {
"build:libdef": "libdefkit --tsconfig=tsconfig.esm.json --tsconfig=tsconfig.cjs.json"
Flag | Description | Default |
--help |
Display usage hints | |
--cwd |
Set current working dir | process.cwd() |
--entry |
Define pkg entry point | ./index.ts |
--ext |
Extension to use in module declarations. '' to unset any. |
.js |
--tsconfig |
Define path(s) to project's TS config | |
--customTypings |
Attach custom libdefs to d.ts bundle | |
--cache |
Dir for temporary assets | tempy.directory() |
--dtsOut |
TS typings output | typings/index.d.ts |
--flowOut |
Flow libdef output | flow-typed/index.flow.js |