This repository has been archived by the owner on Dec 7, 2021. It is now read-only.
QISKit ACQUA 0.1.2
- UI Preferences Page including proxies urls, provider, verify.
- Add help menu with link to documentation.
- Add num_iterations param to grover.
- Graph partition ising model added.
- F2 finite field functions and find_Z2_symmetries function.
- Added packages preferences array for client custom pluggable packages.
- Clean up use_basis_gates options.
- Change QISKit registering for QISKit 0.5.5.
- GUI - Windows: new line appears when text view dismissed.
- Update test_grover to account for cases where the groundtruth info is missing.
- Qconfig discovery - Fix permission denied error on list folders.
- UI Fix Popup cut/copy/paste/select all behavior in mac/windows/linux.
- Fix typo grouped paulis.
- Fix numpy argmax usage on potentially complex state vector.
- Fix/use list for paulis and update helper function of ising model.