This repository contains source code for the ICLR 2021 paper Gradient Descent on Neural Networks Typically Occurs at the Edge of Stability by Jeremy Cohen, Simran Kaur, Yuanzhi Li, Zico Kolter, and Ameet Talwalkar.
The structure of this README is:
To run the code, you need to set two environment variables:
- Set the
environment variable to a directory where datasets will be stored. For example:export DATASET="/my/directory/datasets"
. - Set the
environment variable to a directory where results will be stored. For example:export RESULTS="/my/directory/results"
Let's walk through how to use
The script
trains a neural network using gradient descent.
The required arguments are: [dataset] [arch_id] [loss] [lr] [max_steps]
For example:
python src/ cifar10-5k fc-tanh mse 0.01 100000 --acc_goal 0.99 --neigs 2 --eig_freq 100
The above command will train a fully-connected tanh network (fc-tanh
) on a 5k subset of CIFAR-10 (cifar10-5k
) using the square loss (mse
We will run vanila gradient descent with step size 0.01 (lr
Training will terminate when either the train accuracy reaches 99% (train_acc
) or when 100,000 (max_steps
iterations have passed.
Every 50 (eig_freq
) iterations, the top 2 (neigs
) eigenvalues of the training loss Hessian will be computed and recorded.
The training results will be saved in the following output directory:
(See get_gd_directory()
for the formula by which this output directory is named.)
Within this output directory, the following files will be created, each containing a PyTorch tensor:
: the train and test losses and accuracies, recorded at each iterationeigs_final
: the top 2 eigenvalues, measured every 50 (eig_freq
) iterations.
The following matplotlib code will plot the train loss, train accuracy, and sharpness.
import torch
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from os import environ
dataset = "cifar10-5k"
arch = "fc-tanh"
loss = "mse"
gd_lr = 0.01
gd_eig_freq = 50
gd_directory = f"{environ['RESULTS']}/{dataset}/{arch}/seed_0/{loss}/gd/lr_{gd_lr}"
gd_train_loss = torch.load(f"{gd_directory}/train_loss_final")
gd_train_acc = torch.load(f"{gd_directory}/train_acc_final")
gd_sharpness = torch.load(f"{gd_directory}/eigs_final")[:,0]
plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5), dpi=100)
plt.subplot(3, 1, 1)
plt.title("train loss")
plt.subplot(3, 1, 2)
plt.title("train accuracy")
plt.subplot(3, 1, 3)
plt.scatter(torch.arange(len(gd_sharpness)) * gd_eig_freq, gd_sharpness, s=5)
plt.axhline(2. / gd_lr, linestyle='dotted')
The script
trains a neural network using gradient flow --- that is, by using the Runge-Kutta
algorithm to numerically integrate the gradient flow ODE.
The required arguments are: [dataset] [arch_id] [loss] [tick] [max_time]
For example:
python src/ cifar10-5k fc-tanh mse 1.0 1000 --acc_goal 0.99 --neigs 2 --eig_freq 1
Here, the argument tick = 1.0
means that the train/test losses and accuracies will be computed and saved after each 1.0 units of time,
and the argument max_time = 1000
means that training will stop after a maximum of 1000 units of time (or until the train accuracy reaches the acc_goal
of 0.99).
The other flags mean the same thing as in the
example above.
See the detailed
documentation below for details on how the Runge Kutta step size is set.
The following matplotlib code will plot the train loss, train accuracy, and sharpness:
flow_tick = 1.0
flow_eig_freq = 1
flow_directory = f"{environ['RESULTS']}/{dataset}/{arch}/seed_0/{loss}/flow/tick_{flow_tick}"
flow_train_loss = torch.load(f"{flow_directory}/train_loss_final")
flow_train_acc = torch.load(f"{flow_directory}/train_acc_final")
flow_sharpness = torch.load(f"{flow_directory}/eigs_final")[:, 0]
plt.figure(figsize=(5, 5), dpi=100)
plt.subplot(3, 1, 1)
plt.plot(torch.arange(len(flow_train_loss)) * flow_tick, flow_train_loss)
plt.title("train loss")
plt.subplot(3, 1, 2)
plt.plot(torch.arange(len(flow_train_acc)) * flow_tick, flow_train_acc)
plt.title("train accuracy")
plt.subplot(3, 1, 3)
plt.scatter(torch.arange(len(flow_sharpness)) * flow_tick * flow_eig_freq, flow_sharpness, s=5)
Now suppose that we'd like to track the discrepancy between the gradient descent trajectory and the gradient flow trajectory. That is, to the extent that gradient descent is a discretization of the gradient flow ODE, we might expect N steps of gradient descent at step size 0.01 to reach the same place as gradient flow after "0.01 N" units of time.
By adding the flags --nproj 500 --iterate_freq 100
to the src/
command above, we can
to save a 500-dimensional random projection of the iterates (the network weights) every 100 iterations.
Since the learning rate was 0.01, this amounts to saving a random projection of the iterates every 1.0 units of time.
A PyTorch tensor containing the random projections of the iterates will be stored in the output directory, under the filename iterates_final
Similarly, by adding the flags --nproj 500 --iterate_freq 1
to the src/
command, we can
to save a 500-dimensional random projection of the iterates every 1 tick (which, in turn, means every 1 unit of time, since tick
= 1 ).
Thus, for both gradient descent and gradient flow, we're saving (random projections of) the iterates every 1.0 units of time. Therefore, we can directly compare these saved iterates in order to assess whether gradient descent follows the same trajectory as gradient flow.
The following matplotlib code plots the distance between the gradient descent trajectory and the gradient flow trajectory:
gd_iterate_freq = 50
flow_iterate_freq = 1
# the GD iterates are saved every "gd_lr * gd_iterate_freq" units of time.
# the GF iterates are saved every "flow_tick * flow_iterate_freq" units of time.
# to directly compare the trajectories, these two quantities should be equal.
assert gd_lr * gd_iterate_freq == flow_tick * flow_iterate_freq
gd_iterates = torch.load(f"{gd_directory}/iterates_final")
flow_iterates = torch.load(f"{flow_directory}/iterates_final")
length = min(len(gd_iterates), len(flow_iterates))
times = torch.arange(length) * flow_tick * flow_iterate_freq
distance = (gd_iterates[:length, :] - flow_iterates[:length, :]).norm(dim=1)
# the time at which the gradient descent sharpness first crosses the threshold (2 / gd_lr)
cross_threshold_time = (gd_sharpness > (2 / gd_lr)).nonzero()[0][0] * gd_lr * gd_iterate_freq
plt.figure(figsize=(5, 2), dpi=100)
plt.scatter(times, distance)
plt.axvline(cross_threshold_time, linestyle='dotted')
plt.ylim((0, plt.ylim()[1]))
plt.title("distance betwen gradient descent and gradient flow")
The dotted vertical line marks the iteration when the gradient descent sharpness crosses the gradient descent stability threshold 2 / 0.01. We can see that the gradient descent trajectory approximately tracks the gradient flow trajectory before this time, but departs immediately afterwards.
The script src/
trains a network using full-batch gradient descent.
The required parameters of src/
[string]: the dataset to train on. The possible values are:cifar10
: the full CIFAR-10 datasetcifar10-5k
: the first 5,000 examples from the full CIFAR-10 dataset. Along similar lines, you can also entercifar10-1k
, andcifar10-20k
.- we will soon add the other datasets from the paper (wikitext, the synthetic datasets) to this repo
[string]: which network architectures to train. Seeload_architecture()
for a full list of the permissible values.loss
[string]: which loss function to use. The possible values are:ce
: cross-entropy lossmse
: mean squared error (square loss). When the network has a scalar-valued output (e.g. in regression tasks), this is defined as 0.5 times the squared difference between the network output and the target scalar. More generally, when the network has a vector-valued output (e.g. in multiclass classification), this is defined as 0.5 times the squared L2 norm between the network outputs and the target vector. For classification tasks, we construct the target vector by assigning a 1 at the location of the true class, and assigning 0's everywhere else.
[float]: the learning ratemax_steps
[int]: the maximum number of gradient descent steps to train for.
The optional parameters of src/
[int]: the random seed used when initializing the network weights.opt
[string, defaults to 'gd']: which (full-batch) gradient descent variant to use. The options are:gd
: vanilla gradient descent.polyak
: Polyak-style momentum. If you use this option, make sure to pass in a value forbeta
(the momentum parameter).nesterov
: Nesterov-style momentum. If you use this option, make sure to pass in a value forbeta
(the momentum parameter).
[float, defaults to 0.0]: if you use Polyak or Nesterov momentum (i.e. ifgd
), this is the value of the momentum parameter. This parameter is ignored if you run vanilla gradient descent.physical_batch_size
[int, defaults to 1000]: the maximum number of examples that we try to fit on the GPU at once. For large networks, you may have to reduce this from the default of 1000. Note that for non-BN networks, changing this value will have no impact on the result of the training process. On the other hand, for BN networks, this value determines the "ghost batch size."acc_goal
[float between 0 and 1]: if this parameter is set, we terminate training if the train accuracy ever reaches aboveacc_goal
[float]: if this parameter is set, we terminate training if the train loss ever reaches belowloss_goal
[int, defaults to 0]: the number of top eigenvalues to compute.eig_freq
[int, defaults to -1]: the frequency at which we compute the topneigs
Hessian eigenvalues. For example, ifeig_freq
is 10, we compute the leading Hessian eigenvalues every 10 GD iterations. Ifeig_freq
is set to-1
(the default value), we never compute the top Hessian eigenvalues.nproj
: [int, defaults to 0]: the number of random projections to use when we save random projections of the iterates.iterate_freq
[int, defaults to -1]: the frequency at which we save random projections of the iterates. For example, ifiterate_freq
is 10, we save random projections of the iterates every 10 GD iterations. Ifiterate_freq
is set to -1 (the default value), we never save random projections of the iterates.save_freq
[int, defaults to -1]: the frequency at which we save the results of training (the train/test losses and accuracies, and the computed eigenvalues). Ifsave_freq
is set to -1 (the default value), then we only save these at the very end of training.abridged_size
[int, defaults to 5000]: when computing the top Hessian eigenvalues, use an "abridged" dataset of this size (obtained by choosing the firstabridged_size
examples in the training dataset.).save_model
[bool, defaults to False]: iftrue
, save the model weights at the end of training.
The script src/
trains a network using gradient flow, i.e. by using the Runge-Kutta
algorithm to numerically integrate the gradient flow ODE.
The Runge-Kutta algorithm requires a step size parameter. Similar to gradient descent, for Runge-Kutta to be stable this step size must be small in regions where the sharpness is high. We therefore set the step size using the heuristic
runge kutta step size = min(alpha / [estimated sharpness], max_step_size)
where --alpha
and --max_step_size
are flags that can be passed to src/
and [estimated sharpness]
is the most recent cached value of the sharpness.
Runge-Kutta is stable when its step size is less than c / sharpness, where c is a
particular constant between 2 and 3.
Therefore, alpha
is set by default to be 1.0, though a value as high as 2.0 should
also be fine in most cases.
The max_step_size
parameter is intended to be an additional stopgap
to account for the fact that the sharpness may increase rapidly, causing the true sharpness to
be a lot higher than the most recently cached sharpness.
The required parameters of src/
[string]: see abovearch_id
[string]: see aboveloss
[string]: see abovetick
[float]: the train / test losses and accuracies will be computed and saved everytick
units of time.max_time
[float]: the maximum time (ODE time, not wall clock time) to run gradient flow for.
The optional parameters of src/
[float, defaults to 1.0]: the Runge-Kutta step size ismin(alpha / [estimated sharpness], max_step_size)
[float, default to 999]: the Runge-Kutta step size ismin(alpha / [estimated sharpness], max_step_size)
[int]: see abovephysical_batch_size
[int, defaults to 1000]: see aboveacc_goal
[float between 0 and 1]: see aboveloss_goal
[float]: see aboveneigs
[int, defaults to 0]: see aboveeig_freq
[int, defaults to -1]: see abovenproj
: [int, defaults to 0]: see aboveiterate_freq
[int, defaults to -1]: see abovesave_freq
[int, defaults to -1]: see aboveabridged_size
[int, defaults to 5000]: see abovesave_model
[bool, defaults to False]: see above