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Read the documentation

QGIS Python API Documentation

This a Sphinx project to build python API documentation for QGIS. It does not contain the actual documentation itself which is hold in QGIS source code at

You can see an online version of the generated documentation at this website:

Building the docs

With official Docker images

You can build the documentation for a specific QGIS versions by calling

./scripts/ -v 3.40

From your own QGIS build

Call QGIS python package must be found. You can either:

  • export the PYTHONPATH yourself
  • export your QGIS build directory with export QGIS_BUILD_DIR=~/dev/QGIS/build
  • or provide QGIS build directory as argument to the script: ./ -qgis-build-dir ~/dev/QGIS/build

Testing & development

For testing and development, you can restrict the build of the documentation to specific classes to get faster builds:

For a quick local run on a specific version (few classes): ./scripts/ -v 3.40 -c QgsVectorLayer -c QgsFeature

For all core (but no gui, analysis, etc): ./scripts/ -p core

Viewing the docs

Open the build/html/ contents in your web browser.


  • Tim Sutton 2017 - Initial prototype for this build system
  • Denis Rouzaud 2017 - Including work funded by