An espresso/kimbie inspired chocolatey theme written in lua with treesitter and semantic highlights support!
Adapted from ellisonleao/gruvbox.nvim
Light and Dark modes are available now. Light mode is currently a straightforward inversion of dark mode colors.
is in use for now, the rest will be implemented over time where applicable.All colors are subject to slight variation as this theme is still in development.
Neovim 0.8.0+ (according to original gruvbox.nvim)
Recommend using Neovim 0.10.0+ (actually tested/used)
use { "qaptoR-nvim/chocolatier.nvim" }
{ "qaptoR-nvim/chocolatier.nvim", priority = 1000 , config = true, opts = ...}
Plug 'qaptoR-nvim/chocolatier.nvim'
Inside init.vim
set background=dark " or light if you want light mode
colorscheme chocolatier
Inside init.lua
vim.o.background = "dark" -- or "light" for light mode
vim.cmd([[colorscheme chocolatier]])
Additional settings for chocolatier are:
-- Default options:
terminal_colors = true, -- add neovim terminal colors
undercurl = true,
underline = true,
bold = true,
italic = {
strings = true,
emphasis = true,
comments = true,
operators = false,
folds = true,
strikethrough = true,
invert_selection = false,
invert_signs = false,
invert_tabline = false,
invert_intend_guides = false,
inverse = true, -- invert background for search, diffs, statuslines and errors
contrast = "", -- can be "hard", "soft" or empty string
palette_overrides = {},
overrides = {},
dim_inactive = false,
transparent_mode = false,
vim.cmd("colorscheme chocolatier")
VERY IMPORTANT: Make sure to call setup() BEFORE calling the colorscheme command, to use your custom configs
You can specify your own palette colors. For example:
palette_overrides = {
bright_green = "#990000",
vim.cmd("colorscheme chocolatier")
If you don’t enjoy the current color for a specific highlight group, now you can just override it in the setup. For example:
overrides = {
SignColumn = {bg = "#ff9900"}
vim.cmd("colorscheme chocolatier")
It also works with treesitter groups and lsp semantic highlight tokens
overrides = {
["@lsp.type.method"] = { bg = "#ff9900" },
["@comment.lua"] = { bg = "#000000" },
vim.cmd("colorscheme chocolatier")
Please note that the override values must follow the attributes from the highlight group map, such as:
- fg - foreground color
- bg - background color
- bold - true or false for bold font
- italic - true or false for italic font
Other values can be seen in ~synIDattr~