Percy visual testing for Robot Framework Puppeteer.
See keyword documentation
for available keywords and more information about the library in general.
Require [robotframework-puppeteer]]( version 2 or above.
The recommended installation method is using pip:
pip install --upgrade robotframework-puppeteer-percy
Or manually install by running following command
pip install -r requirements.txt
python install
(1) Go to and register new account
(2) Create new project and save the PERCY_TOKEN
(3) Run export token
- Window:
set PERCY_TOKEN=<your percy token>
- Linux:
export PERCY_TOKEN=<your percy token>
(4) Create file name quick-start.robot with following content:
*** Settings ***
Library PuppeteerLibrary
Library PuppeteerPercy
Test Teardown Close Browser
*** Test Cases ***
Capture home page screenshot
${HEADLESS} Get variable value ${HEADLESS} ${False}
&{options} = create dictionary headless=${HEADLESS}
Open browser options=${options}
Maximize Browser Window
Percy Snapshot Home page
(5) Run robot script with following command:
npx percy exec -- robot quick-start.robot
npx percy exec
will start percy agent and auto stop when test completed
- Not support for web site that restriction for other site resource files.
- Snapshot throw error
ElementHandleError: Evaluation failed: Event
. Your web site not allow to inject 3rd party javascript. Need to ask developer to allow localhost javascript tobe executed.
Generate update keyword documents
python -m robot.libdoc -f html PuppeteerPercy docs/PuppeteerPercy.html