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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jun 7, 2023. It is now read-only.


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⚠ This repository is archived 🗄 and are now served as a static websites.
Repo for these static mirrors is

New repository for is and should remain so in the future.


PyCon CZ website



  • master branch is manually deployed to
    • commit directly to master only if it’s a hotfix
  • create feature branches (named whatever you want) for your work
    • create PR’s to merge into master
    • rebase feature branch on top of the master to keep it current (it’s preferred to merging)
  • beta branch is manually deployed to beta (URL and credentials available at Pyvec Slack).
    • freely merge into beta anything you need to preview including work in progress
    • never merge from beta to anywhere

Setup dev environment

PyCon CZ website is using Python 3.5/Django for the backend, NodeJS for bundling frontend assets and Postgresql as a database.


Run following commands to setup project for local development:

  1. You can use sqlite database if you only need to work with static pages and styles.

    In a case you need to work with dynamic apps setup postgresql create role and db via CLI:

    # su -c psql postgres
    postgres=# CREATE ROLE pycon2019 LOGIN ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'your fancy password';
    postgres=# CREATE DATABASE "pycon2019" WITH ENCODING='UTF8' OWNER=pycon2019;

    You can also use PostgreSQL localy in Docker container: $ docker run --name pyconcz2019-pg -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD="your fancy password" -e POSTGRES_USER=pycon2019 -d -p 5432:5432 postgres

  2. python3 -m venv env note: Use exactly Python 3.5.2 on Windows (otherwise Pillow won't install with pip) so you might want to py -3.5 -m venv env

  3. pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

  4. copy pyconcz/settings/ to pyconcz/settings/ and don't forget to set DATABASES and SECRET_KEY settings.

  5. ./ migrate

Static files

You only need this if you work with styles or images.

For styles and images processing to work, you need to have node.js installed.

In root directory (the same directory where is) run npm install



You can run your dev server manually on http://localhost:8000 with:

./ runserver --settings=pyconcz.settings.local

Static files

To start development with static files being processed run npm start. It will also start Django dev server for you.

Open http://localhost:3838 and you should see development version of website with automatic compiling and reloading.

You can also set your hosts to map to pycon.test and it will work on http://pycon.test:3838.

Everything in /static/css and /static/img is replaced with processed content of /static_src/css and /static_src/img respectively so don't edit anything inside /static/css and /static/img manually.

Same would go for own JavaScript but we don’t have any.


After each production build, you have to commit newly generated CSS and image files. Old files are automatically replaced.

  1. npm run build
  2. git add pyconcz/static


Just use fab production deploy to deploy to production or fab beta deploy to deploy to beta site.


This work is licensed under a MIT