This installation might cause serious changes to your workflow. (It won't overwrite any files though.)
- zsh
- neovim
- alacritty
- git
- latexmk
- npm
- tmux
- vifm
- wezterm
- wget
# Install git, zsh
sudo apt install -y zsh git
sudo pacman -S zsh git
# My config files only run on zsh shell
# Change default shell to zsh
chsh -s $(which zsh) # This may break many things!!! Know what you are doing.
cd "$HOME"
git clone
cd dotfiles
# Create Symlink for all Config Files
# Already existing files will NOT be overwritten, and will not apply any changes
# Install Package Requirements
# Watch the installation, it needs some inputs from the user along the way
- Use zsh shell
- This repository must be downloaded to