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This is both usable API and CLI to gather information from ngrok client or server account.

CLI is described in this document. API should be described someday (help will be gratefully accepted).


To work with ngrok client API we need no configuration, but if you want to get information about tunnels started under your account on some other (inaccessable directly) computer, you must provide login information which will be stored in configuration file ngroktool.yml nearby ngrok.yml.


  1. Get information from local instance of ngrok.
  2. Get information from site.
  3. Store several accounts of site.
  4. Switch accesstoken of ngrok between saved accounts.
  5. Specify path to configuration files ngrok.yml and ngroktoo.yml.
  6. Search tunnel by protocol, name, local address and/or port.
  7. Create new tunnel in local instance of ngrok.
  8. All features available both via CLI tool and API functions.



git clone


First you will need to add login information to config file. There are choices:

  1. If you are using it with ngrok started on the same computer you could skip this section.
  2. If you have created account on itself, you should do:
node ngroktool.js -a yourauthname auth ngrokuser ngrokpass
  1. If you are using "Login with Github", you should do:
node ngroktool.js -a yourauthname auth -g githubuser githubpass
  1. If you are using "Sign in with Google", you should wait until it will be implemented or prepare pull request, sorry.

Global option -a yourauthname is essential - it must be used with all other commands to indicate what account you want to use. If you want to use local ngrok omit it.

When you have several accounts, you can switch between them, using:

node ngroktool.js -a yourauthname switch


Display program-parsable (JSON) info for tunnels as it's returned from ngrok (format differs for local and remote operations):

node ngrok.js -a yourauthname dump -r

Display program-parsable (JSON) info for tunnels with unified field names:

node ngrok.js -a yourauthname dump

Display human-readable list of tunnels with information by columns:

node ngrok.js -a yourauthname list

Note: Remote operations can't get same ammount of information as remote - you can't retrieve local address, local port and tunnel name.


There are three subcommands to retrieve information on specific tunnel: tcp, http, https. You can select tunnels by type (name of command), tunnel name, local port and/or local host name. However limitations on remote tunnels mentioned in [[#Display]] section also applies to these commands too.

There are several usages of this functionality.

API usage

You can also use ngroktool as a library:

var ngroktool = require('ngroktool');
ngrokcfg.setauth({name:'yourauthname', login:'yourgithubname', password:'yourgithubpassword', type:'github'});
ngrokcfg.setauth({name:'otherauthname', login:'yourname', password:'yourpassword', type:'ngrok'});
ngroktool.findtunnels({proto:'tcp', port:'22', name:'ssh', host:''}, function(foundtunnels, alltunnels){console.log(foundtunnels);});
ngroktool.addtunnel({proto:'tcp', addr:'22', name:'ssh'});
ngroktool.addtunnel({proto:'tcp', addr:'other:22', name:'otherssh'});

OpenSSH via ngrok proxy

You can use it directly in ssh_config (assuming you are using cygwin, installed socat and path to your copy of ngroktool is c:\ngroktool):

Host home-ngrok
	ProxyCommand socat - socks4a:`cd /cygdrive/c/ngroktool;node ngroktool.js -a yourauthname tcp`,socksport=9050

After that ssh home-ngrok will connect you to computer running ngrok tcp 22 under specified account.


You can add new tunnel to running instance of ngrok using it's API. This command only available on same computer as ngrok (i.e. you can't pass -a option here).

Forward local ssh:

node ngroktool.js add tcp 22

Forward web-server on computer testserver:

node ngroktool.js add http testserver:80

Forward web-server on computer testserver and replace tunnel ever if it's already exists (uses new ngrok subdomain):

node ngroktool.js add -f http testserver:80

Usage reference

# node ngroktool.js -h
usage: ngroktool.js [-h] [-v] [-c CONFIG] [-a AUTH]
                    {auth,switch,tcp,http,https,add,list,help,dump} ...

Get info about tunnels from either stored account of or from 
locally started ngrok.

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.
  -v, --version         Show program's version number and exit.
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
                        Path to config file (defaults to ~/.ngrok2/ngroktool.
  -a AUTH, --auth AUTH  Auth synonym to use


ngroktool.js help - show help for all subcommands

# node ngroktool.js help|grep usage:
usage: ngroktool.js [-h] [-v] [-c CONFIG] [-a AUTH]
usage: ngroktool.js auth [-h] [-g] [user] [password]
usage: ngroktool.js switch [-h]
usage: ngroktool.js tcp [-h] [-n NAME] [-H HOST] [port]
usage: ngroktool.js http [-h] [-n NAME] [-H HOST] [port]
usage: ngroktool.js https [-h] [-n NAME] [-H HOST] [port]
usage: ngroktool.js add [-h] [-n NAME] [-d SUBDOMAIN] [-H HOSTNAME] [-r] [-f]
usage: ngroktool.js list [-h]
usage: ngroktool.js dump [-h] [-r]

Authentication commands

auth subcommand

Adds new authorization synonym to config file.

usage: ngroktool.js auth [-h] [-g] [user] [password]

Add or modify saved account info

Positional arguments:
  user          User
  password      Password

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help    Show this help message and exit.
  -g, --github  Login with GitHub user

switch subcommand

Will select authorization synonym as current for ngrok client (i.e. change authtoken).

# node ngroktool.js switch -h
usage: ngroktool.js switch [-h]

Switch ngrok to authtoken for selected account

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help  Show this help message and exit.

Display commands

list subcommand

# node ngroktool.js list -h
usage: ngroktool.js list [-h]

Lists all tunnels in columns format

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help  Show this help message and exit.

dump subcommand

# node ngroktool.js dump -h
usage: ngroktool.js dump [-h] [-r]

Dump all tunnels in JSON format

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help  Show this help message and exit.
  -r, --raw   Dump all info

Filter (search) commmands

tcp/http/https subcommands

# node ngroktool.js tcp -h
usage: ngroktool.js tcp [-h] [-n NAME] [-H HOST] [port]

Search for tcp tunnels

Positional arguments:
  port                  Private port to search (first found if not specified)

Optional arguments:
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.
  -n NAME, --name NAME  Connection name to search
  -H HOST, --host HOST, --hostname HOST
                        Private host to search (usually

API reference

TBD: See [API usage](#API usage) section now.
