Use roles to organize related configurations.
Ansible galaxy init command initializes the base structure of a new role:
ansible-galaxy init role_name
Include new playbooks in syte.yml.
Default inventory file is environments/stage/hosts.
Configure stage environment:
ansible-playbook site.yml
Skip tags 'install' and 'ruby', when using pre-baked packer images:
ansible-playbook site.yml --skip-tags "install,ruby"
If you want configure prod environmet, you must specify inventory file:
ansible-playbook site.yml -i environments/prod/hosts --skip-tags "install,ruby"
Check playbooks(dry run):
ansible-playbook site.yml --check
group_vars & host_vars
Place files with variables inside these directories named after the group name or hostname defined in your inventory file.
packer_app and packer_db playbooks are used to create pre-baked images with Packer.
Testing Using virtualenv with virtualenvwrapper
Create test environment with vagrant
vagrant up
In directory with roles. Example of initializing new scenatio for role:
molecule init scenario --scenario-name default -r db -d vagrant
Create test vm:
molecule create
List testing vms:
molecule list
Apply playbooks for test vms:
molecule converge
Run tests:
molecule verify
Configure different environments(stage or production) using reusable modules.
Define user variables in terraform.tfvars file based on sample terraform.tfvars.example in environments folders.
Use commands below to build and change your infrastructure:
terraform plan
terraforn apply
terraform destroy
terraform fmt
terraform show
Validate packer template ubuntu16.json
packer validate -var 'project_id=example-project' -var 'source_image=ubuntu-1604-xenial-v20170815a' ubuntu16.json
Discover what variables the template accepts.
packer inspect ubuntu16.json
Build image
packer build -var 'project_id=example-project' -var 'source_image=ubuntu-1604-xenial-v20170815a' -var 'tags=webserver, puma' ubuntu16.json
Run script to deploy application.
Run to make provisioning server and deploy application.
Create VM instance with startup script:
gcloud compute instances create --boot-disk-size=10GB --image=ubuntu-1604-xenial-v20170815a --image-project=ubuntu-os-cloud --machine-type=g1-small --tags puma-server --restart-on-failure --zone=europe-west1-b --metadata-from-file reddit-app