Python script to convert subtitles to titles/timeline for Premiere Pro, inspired by other similar tools, see [1], [2] and [3]. This script does the following:
- create one prtl-file per subtitle
- create one FCP-XML-file containing the correct start/end times
The FCP-XML can be imported into Premiere Pro, giving a timeline with all subtitles as title-objects, correctly layed out over the timeline. Sounds great? There are several limitations, see below. Once it is imported, save the project to embed the prtl-files.
- Lots of parameters are hard-coded at the moment, like font-size/frame-rate/resolution etc
- No attempt is made to carry over any of the formatting in the ass-file to the prtl-file
- Not useful for subtitles with more than one style
- Python 3.x (Tested on Windows 7)
- python-ass (for parsing ass-files)
- pillow (for str-width approximation)
- mytitle.ass
Also see docs/usage.txt
- GPLv2 see docs/LICENSE.txt