- Built using Node.js, Express, and MongoDB on the back-end & ReactJS on the front-end
- Handles continuous communication in a two-way channel using Socket.IO.
- In this projects chats are end-to-end encrypted
- Also have functionality to extract external URL and domain, and abillity to detect malicius and fraud links
- Full-stack project built using the MERN stack.
- Implements authentication with JWT for secure user management.
- Built using Node.js, Express, and MongoDB on the back-end.
- Utilizes pure HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for the front-end without any frameworks.
- Handles continuous communication in a two-way channel using Socket.IO.
- Includes a multiplayer tic-tac-toe game.
- Clone of LinkedIn with basic features.
- Developed using Next.js and tailwindCSS.
- Implements authentication.
- Allows users to create posts containing text and media elements.
- Integrated real-time communication via WebSocket for seamless gameplay,
- Implemented responsive interface using HTML, CSS, and Javascript,
- Developed web-based PSP game controller with haptic feedback for the PPSSPP emulator running inside a computer,
- A simple CRUD application written in TypeScript.
- Includes Docker image for easy deployment.
- In it using Prisma ORM to work with databases queries.