Pursuit hosts API documentation for PureScript packages. It lets you search by package, module, and function names, as well as approximate type signatures.
Pursuit is currently deployed at https://pursuit.purescript.org.
Information for package authors can be found at https://pursuit.purescript.org/help.
It's recommended to use stack
: http://docs.haskellstack.org.
To build in development mode:
$ stack build
To build in production mode:
$ stack build --flag pursuit:-dev
To iterate quickly during development, you can use ghci
$ stack ghci
Once the REPL has loaded, you can reload the code and then update the web server:
> :l DevelMain
> update
To run the web server on http://localhost:3000:
$ stack exec pursuit
You might want to add some content to the database (see Database), otherwise you will not be able to browse any packages. The database will be regenerated from this data source before the server starts listening; this can take a short time depending on how much data you have.
Pursuit currently uses the filesystem as a database, since it requires no setup
and it makes it easy to use Git and GitHub for backing up. The data directory
is set via an environment variable (see Configuration, the
default is data
If you need some sample packages to work with, you can clone the
pursuit-backups repo and copy the packages you want to the
directory. This is more convenient than manually uploading each
The database structure is as follows:
The cache/
directory has files that mirror the URL structure of the web
application, and contains files which do not change and may be served as-is
without forwarding the request on to the Yesod application. See Handler.Caching
for more details.
The verified/
directory stores uploaded packages. Each package has its own
directory, and then there is a JSON file for each version. These JSON files
each contain a serialized Package GithubUser
; see
Language.PureScript.Docs.Types in the compiler for details about these types.
The backup process simply involves rsyncing everything in the verified/
directory into a git repository, making a commit, and pushing it to GitHub.
All configuration is done at startup via environment variables. The relevant code is in the Settings module.
All configuration variable names start with PURSUIT_
). All configuration variables are optional; for
development, it is fine to just run stack exec pursuit
leaving them all
See src/Settings.hs
for more details.
The favicon assets in static/favicon
were taken from the Purescript Logo repository.