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@JordanMartinez JordanMartinez released this 28 Apr 00:06

Breaking changes:

  • Update project and deps to PureScript v0.15.0 (#171 by @JordanMartinez)

  • Update all request functions to take a driver arg (#171 by @JordanMartinez)

    Affjax works on the Node.js and browser environments by relying on a require
    statement within a function. Depending on the environment detected,
    either XHR or XmlHttpRequest is used. Since ES modules do not allow
    one to call import within a function in a synchronous way,
    we cannot continue to use this approach.

    Rather, all request-related functions (e.g. request, get, etc.) now take
    as their first argument an AffjaxDriver value. Different environments
    will pass in their implementation for that driver and re-export
    the functionality defined in affjax.

    To fix your code, depend on the corresponding library below and update the imported
    module from Affjax to Affjax.Node/Affjax.Web:

Other improvements: