Graph 1. AOSP on RISC-V 64(XuanTie 910)
Video for Android on XuanTie910
ICE is a XuanTie C910 based high performance SoC board developed by T-Head. The ICE SoC has integrated 3 XuanTie C910 cores (RISC-V 64) and 1 GPU core; featuring speed and intelligence with a high cost-effective ratio. The chip can provide 4K@60 HEVC/AVC/JPEG decoding ability, and varieties of high-speed interfaces and peripherals for controlling and data exchange; suits for 3D graphics, visual AI and multimedia processing.
Graph 2. ICE chip
For more information about XuanTie 910 CPU core IP, please check: XuanTie C910 introduction
RVB-ICE is development board based on ICE. It is equipped with 7-inch LCD touch screen, integrates WIFl and GMACnetwork communication interface, has 16GB EMMC memory, and supports interfaces such as Bluetooth keyboard and mouse.
The board detail and pre-order link can be found in page: RVB-ICE
This port is based on android10-release (platform/manifest 1c222b02bde285fe1272b4440584750154d3882d). All the source code developed by T-Head is contained in the repository, anyone interested in this project can reproduce the environment with RVB-ICE/emulator.
Before downloading AOSP source code please check you work environment, it is recommended to install a Linux system(Ubuntu 16.04 is preferred) with at list 200G disk space and more than 8 CPU cores. Then follow the instructions from the links below:
To setup the build enviroment, run to download aosp to current directory and build AOSP for RISC-V. If repo sync is aborted, re-run the script.
Run the with no argument, the will lunch the config "aosp_riscv64-eng", and compile all the required images for emulator environment.
Finally, use the following command to start emulator:
source ./build/
lunch aosp_riscv64-eng
emulator -selinux permissive -qemu -smp 2 -m 3800M -bios ${AOSP_RISCV_BUILD_TOP}/prebuilts/qemu-kernel/riscv64/ranchu/fw_jump.bin
Run the with an argument "ice", the will lunch the config "ice910dk-userdebug", and compile all the required images for the RVB-ICE.
The final images will be under:
The required image files include:
Copy these file to fastboot dir:
mkdir fastboot
cp aosp/out/target/product/ice910dk/ramdisk.img fastboot/boot
cp aosp/out/target/product/ice910dk/kernel fastboot/boot/uImage
cp aosp/out/target/product/ice910dk/system.img fastboot
cp aosp/out/target/product/ice910dk/thead-ice910.dtb fastboot/boot
cp aosp/out/target/product/ice910dk/userdata.img fastboot
cp aosp/out/target/product/ice910dk/vendor.img fastboot
cp aosp/device/thead/thead_ice910/kernel/fw_jump.bin fastboot/boot
cp aosp/device/thead/thead_ice910/kernel/u-boot-with-spl.bin fastboot
cd fastboot
Create boot image:
make_ext4fs -l 20M boot.ext4 boot/
Connect the power socket to 5V power supply, and the USB Type-C connector to host computer.
You can program the device with the files under fastboot directory or prebuilt images downloaded from this link: Prebuilt images
Press the reboot button on the board; type in any key to get into console mode when the following prompt shows on the terminal.
Warning: ethernet@3fffc0000 (eth0) using random MAC address - a6:7d:bc:02:7d:4d
eth0: ethernet@3fffc0000
Hit any key to stop autoboot: 3
Use the gpt
tool to config the eMMC partitions size:
# reset to default env
env default -a
# Config the eMMC partitions size
setenv partitions "name=sparse,size=2031kb"
setenv partitions "$partitions;name=bootpart,size=60MiB"
setenv partitions "$partitions;name=system,size=1500MiB"
setenv partitions "$partitions;name=vendor,size=100MiB"
setenv partitions "$partitions;name=cache,size=256MiB"
setenv partitions "$partitions;name=userdata,size=-"
gpt write mmc 0 $partitions
# Config the network
# !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Special attention !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
# If multiple boards are connected to the network, each ethaddr shall be unique
setenv ethaddr 00:a0:a0:a0:a0:a1
setenv ipaddr # Set dev board IP address
setenv netmask
ping # ping host IP,check network connection
# Config the kernel initialization parameter bootargs
setenv bootargs "console=ttyS0,115200"
setenv bootargs "$bootargs root=PARTUUID=$uuid_rootfs rootfstype=ext4"
setenv bootargs "$bootargs earlycon=sbi rdinit=/init security=selinux"
setenv bootargs "$bootargs crashkernel=256M-:128M c910_mmu_v1 printk.devkmsg=on"
setenv bootargs "$bootargs androidboot.selinux=permissive"
setenv bootargs "$bootargs androidboot.hardware=ranchu"
setenv bootargs "$bootargs androidboot.super_partition"
# Config bootcmd
setenv bootcmd "ext4load mmc 0:2 $opensbi_addr fw_jump.bin"
setenv bootcmd "$bootcmd;ext4load mmc 0:2 $dtb_addr ice_evb_c910.dtb"
setenv bootcmd "$bootcmd;ext4load mmc 0:2 $kernel_addr uImage"
setenv bootcmd "$bootcmd;ext4load mmc 0:2 0x02000000 ramdisk.img"
setenv bootcmd "$bootcmd;bootm $kernel_addr - $dtb_addr"
# Save environment variable to eMMC
# Start fastboot udp
fastboot udp
Program the device using fastboot:
sudo apt install fastboot
fastboot -s udp: -S 5M flash boot output-android/boot.ext4
fastboot -s udp: -S 5M flash system output-android/system.img
fastboot -s udp: -S 5M flash vendor output-android/vendor.img
fastboot -s udp: -S 5M flash cache output-android/cache.img
fastboot -s udp: -S 5M flash userdata output-android/userdata.img
The kernel and u-boot images are under the prebuilt directory, it is required to recompile these files from the source if you want to change the configurations.
Export the aosp-riscv directory for copy reference.
cd aosp-riscv
export AOSP_RISCV_PATH=`pwd`
Get a RISC-V toolchain and install:
mkdir rvtools
cd rvtools
tar -xf Xuantie-900-gcc-linux-5.4.36-glibc-x86_64-V2.0.3-20210806.tar.gz
export PATH=`pwd`/bin:$PATH
Build u-boot:
git clone
cd u-boot
make ARCH=riscv ice_evb_c910_defconfig
make ARCH=riscv CROSS_COMPILE=riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu- -j
cp u-boot-with-spl.bin $(AOSP_RISCV_PATH)/device/thead/thead_ice910/kernel/
Build kernel:
git clone
cd kernel
git checkout origin/linux-5.4-aosp
make ARCH=riscv ice_c910_defconfig
make ARCH=riscv CROSS_COMPILE=riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu- -j Image dtbs
mkdir ../output-kernel
mkimage -A riscv -O linux -T kernel -C none -a 0x00200000 -e 0x00200000 -n Linux -d ./arch/riscv/boot/Image ./uImage
cp uImage $(AOSP_RISCV_PATH)/device/thead/thead_ice910/kernel/kernel
cp arch/riscv/boot/dts/thead/ice_evb_c910.dtb $(AOSP_RISCV_PATH)/device/thead/thead_ice910/kernel/