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Quickly view config files in the command line.


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A command line utiltiy for inspecting hard-to-read project config files such as json, yaml, and toml.


Usage: conflook [OPTIONS] FILE [KEYPATH]

  Show summarised structure or value at keypath.

  -v, --version        Show the version and exit.
  -h, --help           Show this message and exit.
  -l, --limit INTEGER  Default 10. Truncate output if more than `limit` lines.
                       If 0, there is no limit.

Keypath is a dot separated list of keys or indicies. For example, database.ports.2 would access the database table, then the ports array within that, then the 3rd item (at index 2) within that array. A consequence of this notation is that not all possible keys can be addressed.

If the value at the end of a valid keypath is a map-like object then it is shown as a list of keys followed by their type followed by a preview of their contents.

For example,

database, Table(4)
server         String(11)
ports          Array(3)   [8001, 8001, 8002]
connection_max Integer    5000
enabled        bool       True

A content preview attempts to be close to the real text content in the configuration file. For example, a YAML !!binary entry will not be decoded. Control sequences (eg newlines) in strings will be escaped.

Note that if no matching key is found in a keypath then conflook will show

  • The shortest key for which the given key is a prefix, or
  • The closest matching key as determined by difflib

For example,

conflook eg.toml data.prots


database.ports, Array(3)
[8001, 8001, 8002]


Avaliable on PyPI.

  • Install with PIP.

    pip install conflook

    Run from command line

    conflook --help
  • OR, Add as development dependancy to PDM project.

    pdm add --dev conflook

    Run from pdm

    pdm run conflook --help


  1. Download this repository git clone ....

  2. Install PDM. Use PDM to install python dependancies with pdm sync.

    PDM will keep the versions of 3rd party libraries consistent with pdm.lock. The 3rd party libraries which this project depend on are listed in pyproject.toml along with other project settings used by the PyPI and exposing a command when installed.

  3. Enable pre-commit. Will run automatic checks for each git commit, as described in .pre-commit-config.yaml. Might need to run pdm run pre-commit install to setup. Pylint will check for the things specified in pylintrc.toml. Sometimes these checks can be ignored with a # pylint: disable= comment if they are too pedantic.

PDM should install an editable package. Make sure to put pdm run before any commands to make sure the correct Python interpreter is being used and the projects dependancies are avaliable. For example, pdm run conflook ... will run this utility, pdm run pre-commit run will manually run pre-commit checks, and pdm run python will start an interactive python session.

The folder eg/ contains example files.


  • search
  • grep friendly
    • line numbers
    • don't truncate
  • stats
  • extract sub object or array to file (or is this out of scope?)


Quickly view config files in the command line.





