This multilanguage component is used to manage various stack settings when launching stacks in the pequod organization via new project wizard. It ensures stacks are configured as follows:
- A time-to-live schedule is set.
- A "drift with remediation" schedule is set
- The delete_stack stack tag is set so the stack, project and repo are automatically cleaned up overnight.
- Adds the stack to the DevTeam team.
The core component is written in Typescript.
Pequod uses basic github distribution for the Python SDKs.
To use with Python, add the following to the Pulumi project's requirements.txt
pequod_k8sapp @ git+
Pequod uses AWS Code Artifact for Typescript package distribution.
Since accesing the code artifact packages requires authenticating to AWS, the packages are installed via script in the package.json
To install this package use the following:
"scripts": {
"preinstall": "npm run esc:install && npm run esc:login",
"esc:install": "curl -fsSL | sh",
"esc:login": "esc login",
"install": "npm run esc:cologin && npm run copkgs:install",
"esc:cologin": "esc run pequod/aws-access -- npm run co:login",
"co:login": "aws codeartifact login --tool npm --region us-east-2 --repository pequod-codeartifact-repo --domain pequod-codeartifact-domain",
"copkgs:install": "npm i @pequod/k8sapp --no-save"
Note the "esc:cologin"
line which uses an ESC environment in the organization that provides AWS access (OIDC in the case of pequod/aws-access
.NET packages are distributed using Github packages.
This requires authorizing to the GITHUB before adding as a source.
So the .csproj
should look like the following:
<Project InitialTargets="AddGithubPackageSources" Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<!-- Set up the github package sources for components used by this template. -->
<Target Name="AddGithubPackageSources">
<Message Text="Adding Pequod.K8sapp source" />
<Exec Command="./pkg-utils/ Pequod.K8sapp pequod/github-package-install" />
<PackageReference Include="Pequod.K8sapp" Version="*"/>
Note the InitialTargets
setting. And the ./pkg-utils/
script basically runs:
# Set up environment variables for GITHUB ACCESS using an environment that sets GIHTUB_USERNAME and GITHUB_TOKEN with a user and personal access token with read permissions for the github organization's packages.
eval "$(pulumi env open ${2} -f shell)"
# Add the source so csproj reference will find the package
dotnet nuget add source --username $GITHUB_USERNAME --password $GITHUB_TOKEN --store-password-in-clear-text --name ${1}