This is a GDB server implementation that can be used to connect GDB to a target containing a Ri5CY core.
This bridge can be used to connect either to the RTL simulator or the FPGA.
In order to debug we need a RISC-V GDB, this debug bridge, and the executable.
The bridge can be build for either the ZYNQ or the RTL-Simulator
Run the following command to build it for a ZYNQ based board that is running Linux on the ARM cores:
make pulpino=1
Note that an ARM compiler must be configured as this bridge will run on the ARM side of the board. The following command automatically pushes the debug_bridge to the board:
make pulpino=1 push
Run the following command to build it for the RTL simulator:
In both cases, the build will produce an executable called debug_bridge.
Download the GDB for RISC-V and install it as decribed here:
On ZYNQ, the debug_bridge must be run on the ARM side as a classic application. On the RTL-simulator, you first need to start modelsim with
make {APP_NAME}.vsim
and then you have to source the script "run_memdpi.tcl"
source tcl_files/run_memdpi.tcl
Now you can start the debug_bridge which establishes the connection to the simulator.
The ZYNQ or the RTL platform are now connected to the debug_bridge and ready to communicate with GDB.
In both cases, the bridge will listen for incoming connections on port 1234.
Then GDB can be launched with the following command:
riscv32-unknown-elf-gdb -ex "target remote :1234"
Adjust the target address if you are running remote on a ZedBoard or a remote machine is running ModelSim.
Starting from here, classic gdb commands can be used.
To load a binary:
load {APPNAME}.elf
To initialize the PC properly: (should be done after loading the binary)
set $pc=0x80
To insert breakpoints when jumping to main and at address 0x800:
b main
b *0x800
To change the layout (display all registers, or source code):
layout regs
layout src
To continue to the next breakpoint:
To get the current register values or display all breakpoints:
info all-registers
info breakpoints