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Docker image for FNM WebUI, a web interface for FastNetMon.

Special thanks

We would like to thank @crazy-max for his work on the LibreNMS docker repo which this is based on.


Want to be notified of new releases? Check out 🔔 Diun (Docker Image Update Notifier) project!


  • Multi-platform image
  • OPCache enabled to store precompiled script bytecode in shared memory
  • s6-overlay as process supervisor
  • MariaDB image as database instance

Build locally

$ git clone
$ cd fnm-webui-docker

# Build image and output to docker (default)
$ docker buildx bake

# Build multi-platform image
$ docker buildx bake image-all


Following platforms for this image are available:

$ docker run --rm mplatform/mquery pumtrix/fnm-webui:latest
Image: pumtrix/fnm-webui:latest
 * Manifest List: Yes
 * Supported platforms:
   - linux/amd64
   - linux/arm/v6
   - linux/arm/v7
   - linux/arm64
   - linux/386
   - linux/ppc64le
   - linux/s390x

Environment variables


  • TZ: The timezone assigned to the container (default UTC)
  • PUID: FNM WebUI user id (default 1000)
  • PGID: FNM WebUI group id (default 1000)
  • MEMORY_LIMIT: PHP memory limit (default 256M)
  • MAX_INPUT_VARS: PHP max input vars (default 1000)
  • UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE: Upload max size (default 16M)
  • CLEAR_ENV: Clear environment in FPM workers (default yes)
  • FPM_PM_MAX_CHILDREN: FPM max Children (default: 15)
  • FPM_PM_START_SERVERS: FPM start servers (default: 2)
  • FPM_PM_MIN_SPARE_SERVERS: FPM min spare servers (default: 1)
  • FPM_PM_MAX_SPARE_SERVERS: FPM max spare servers (default: 6)
  • OPCACHE_MEM_SIZE: PHP OpCache memory consumption (default 128)
  • LISTEN_IPV6: Enable IPv6 for Nginx (default true)
  • REAL_IP_FROM: Trusted addresses that are known to send correct replacement addresses (default
  • REAL_IP_HEADER: Request header field whose value will be used to replace the client address (default X-Forwarded-For)
  • LOG_IP_VAR: Use another variable to retrieve the remote IP address for access log_format on Nginx. (default remote_addr)
  • SESSION_DRIVER: Driver to use for session storage (default file)
  • CACHE_DRIVER: Driver to use for cache and locks (default database)


  • DB_HOST: MySQL database hostname / IP address
  • DB_PORT: MySQL database port (default 3306)
  • DB_NAME: MySQL database name (default fnmwebui)
  • DB_USER: MySQL user (default fnmwebuis)
  • DB_PASSWORD: MySQL password (default fnmwebuis)
  • DB_TIMEOUT: Time in seconds after which we stop trying to reach the MySQL server (useful for clusters, default 60)


  • /data: Contains configuration for future use


Note that the volume should be owned by the user/group with the specified PUID and PGID. If you don't give the volume correct permissions, the container may not start.


  • 8000: HTTP port


Docker Compose

Docker compose is the recommended way to run this image. Copy the content of folder examples/compose in /var/fnm-webui/ on your host for example. Edit the compose and env files with your preferences and run the following commands:

$ docker-compose up -d
$ docker-compose logs -f

Command line

You can also use the following minimal command:

$ docker run -d -p 8000:8000 --name fnm-webui \
  -v $(pwd)/data:/data \
  -e "DB_HOST=db" \


db must be a running MySQL instance.

First launch

Default user account:

username: admin@localhost password: password

When you first access the webui, please make sure that you change the default password and update to a correct email address.


If you lose access, you can create another one using the artisan command.


To upgrade to the latest version of FNM WebUI, pull the newer image and launch the container.

$ docker-compose down
$ docker-compose pull
$ docker-compose up -d

Then run:

artisan migrate


artisan command

If you want to use the artisan command to perform common server operations like manage users, database migration, and more, type:

$ docker-compose exec fnm-webui artisan


Want to contribute? Awesome! The most basic way to show your support is to star the project, or to raise issues. You can also support this project by submitting pull requests to this docker repo or the main code base.

Thanks again for your support, it is much appreciated! 🙏


MIT. See LICENSE for more details.


Docker repo for FastNetMon WebUI







No releases published
