This is a tutorial to set up a ZAP Authentication script that handles several GETs with HTTP 302 redirect and a post. All GETs and POST set cookies that are required to be authenticated
A php back-end is provided for testing purposes.
The ZAP script required can be found at (or if not merged yet)
In order to authenticate, the user needs to GET /get1.php, follow redirects then post on post.php by clicking the "Login" button. This is what happens in details:
- /get1.php
- redirects to /get2.php
- /get2.php
- sets get2cookie with a value equal the timestamp at the minute precision
- redirects to /get3.php
- /get3.php
- check get2cookie presence and value
- sets get3cookie with a value equal the timestamp at the minute precision
- redirects to /get4.php
- /get4.php
- check get2cookie and get3cookie presence and value
- displays "this is get4" and a login button
- /post.php
- check get2cookie and get3cookie presence and value
- sets postcookie with a value equal the timestamp at the minute precision
When accessing /test.php, the 3 cookies presence and values are checked. If they are more than 1 mn old, it will trigger the "Authentification error" message that can be used as a "logged out indicator".
Consequently, when attacking /test.php with the active scan, the authentication script should be triggered once every minute. The php script also logs information in apache log file /var/log/apache2/error.log
- View / show tabs / scripts tab
- Right click on "authentication" / new script
- Script name: GetsWithRedirectThenPost
- Type: authentication
- Script engine: ECMAScript
- Paste the script content
- Double-click on the context
- authentication
- script-based authentication
- select GetsWithRedirectThenPost then click "load"
- "username field": username (doesn't really matter for us; this is the parameter name that will be used to provide the credential in post.php)
- "password field": password (same remark)
- "First get URI with leading slash, without trailing slash": /test/get1.php
- "Hostname without trailing slash":
- Regex pattern identified in Logged in response message: leave empty
- Regex pattern identified in Logged out response message: Authentification error
- Users
- Add a "myuser" user
- usernamefield: usernamevalue
- passwordfield: passwordvalue
- Forced user
- select "myuser"
With the above example, POST will be done with the body: "username=usernamevalue&password=passwordvalue".
NB: If attacking the site from the root (which is not the described method here), don't forget to exclude all login pages from the context (get*.php and post.php).
Upload the provided php scripts into a webserver of your own, under /test folder (for apache: /var/www/html/test)
- Browse manually to
- you should be redirected to get4.php and see the message "this is get4" with a login button
- Click the login button
- Click the "click here" link
IF you did all this within a minute, test.php should only display "this is only a test"
- In ZAP
- Tools / options / active scan (this is just to make further analysis easier)
- Number of host scanned concurrently : 1
- Delay when scanning in ms: 1000
- Click the "forced user mode" button
- Under "Sites" tab, unfold until test.php
- Right click / Attack / active scan
- select "myuser" user and click "start scan"
- Tools / options / active scan (this is just to make further analysis easier)
Expected result:
- History tab: the authentication requests are logged here:
- get1.php: code 302
- get2.php: code 302
- get3.php: code 302
- get4.php: code 200
- post.php: code 200
Every new minute, the same sequence described above should produce.
- Active scan tab: you can check the value of the cookies in the test.php attack requests
- Scripts tab: some information are also displayed here, printed by the js script
- The authentication script never triggers
- Check that the "forced user mode" button is clicked (needs to be checked every time ZAP restart)
- Check the "logged out indicator"
- The GET cookies from redirects are not set in requests
- Check the URL built from the hostname and the URI in the script: if there is an additional / between the host and the URI (https://hostname//uri) it may prevent cookies from being set from the HttpState into the RequestMessage
- I have a redirect on POST and the cookie is not persisted into the HttpState
- This script doesn't cover this scenario. See a workaround in this other community script
This script uses sendAndReceive with 2nd parameter false in order not to follow automatically redirects: this allows us to manually add the redirect request/responses in ZAP history, making it much easier to understand what is going on. With followRedirect=true, all request/responses and their cookies are aggregated in a single line in ZAP history tab. When getting get1.php, this is what would be displayed (as of ZAP 2.7.0):
- URL: get1.php (the first redirect location)
- Request
- cookies: get2Cookie, get3Cookie
- Response
- cookies: get2Cookie, get3Cookie
- body: the get4.php server response (the last redirect followed)
- doGet: Makes 1 get request
- doPost: Makes 1 POST request
- listRequestCookies : prints the cookies in the request and their value
- doLog : print a timestamped message (need getNow function)