This is just free to use code to set up a bot on your calckey instance. If you'd like, you can credit me or leave a star.
Cats are cute, So I made a bot using python and TheCatAPI, it's simple for now, sometimes it'll repeat the same image on accident. it works good though. can't complain.
This is the code inside the Pleroma Folder. First off, put your username inside settings.json and of you have a friend you can add it to the list, then make a ENV file called "auth_token" and put your token that you got From This Website and start the replit, it uses Win95 Icons which if you're a staff member, you can go to the Pleroma API dashboard at: Download emojis from /emojis if you can. it's just a few. if you aren't an admin do this: Ask staff to come to this github, explain you're gonna setup a bot on their instance and you want the emojis to give it a nice feel.
Current commands for pleroma bot: !help !story !ping !spin Dev Commands: !rank {username} dev
Bio Setup: :pc: Made by @YourNameHere
:tools: Commands: !help :help_book: !spin !ping !story
:script-teal: Looking for the Github? is the GitHub repo!