Student Name: HU Heng
GT ID: 903478698
folder data contains following files:
- training data for adult dataset
- adult.test: test data for adult dataset
folder out contains output files, the files are in csv format.
folder report contains the .tex file for the report.
folder plot contains .jpg figures.
folder problems contains java file for three self defined problems. is for training neural networks is for ploting figures
- make sure the python version is 3.6
- make sure mlrose, numpy, pandas and matplotlib are installed
# For part 1
python3 ./ <algorithm> # random_hill_climb OR simulated_annealing OR genetic_alg
/* For part 2
* install ABAGAIL
* copy .java files folder to /opt/mytest
* ant to build the project
java -cp ABAGAIL.jar mytest.<Classname> // run the test