- User management
- Role management
- Log in by LDAP
- After logged in, get all privileges based on roles of that user
- Integrate authorization checks into HTTP middleware
- Ensure authorization is enforced on API endpoints
- Authorization: Separate the "read" and "write" permissions for 1 role, using bitwise. For example:
- 001 (1 in decimal) is "read" permission
- 010 (2 in decimal) is "write" permission
- 100 (4 in decimal) is "delete" permission
- "read" and "write" permission will be "001 | 010 = 011" (011 is 3 in decimal)
- Some other standard features
- config: load config from yaml files
- health check: to check health of SQL
- logging: can use logrus or zap to log, support to switch between logrus or zap
- log tracing by at the middleware the http request and http response
- Log important information about incoming requests, outgoing responses, and the operations performed by the application.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-//mybatis.org//DTD Mapper 3.0//EN"
<mapper namespace="mappers">
<select id="user">
select *
from users
<if test="username != null">
username like #{username} and
<if test="displayName != null">
displayName like #{displayName} and
<if test="status != null">
status in (#{status}) and
<if test="q != null">
(username like #{q} or displayName like #{q} or email like #{q}) and
1 = 1
<if test="sort != null">
order by {sort}
<if test="sort == null">
order by userId